[h3][center]Onwards[/center][/h3] [i]A sparkling mist formed at the feet of the companions gathered at the catacombs entrance as they pondered their next course of action. The goal was not yet clear-yet the path was apparent. The quiet of the earliest morning slipped in like a stealthy knife, even the churning waters of the subterranean [b]Woad[/b] were momentarily hushed. Even the short chortling scream that had broken the banter of the meeting fell suddenly silent. Before them were the steps leading to whatever lay ahead.[/i] [center][color=dimgray]"Ssso, who's firsst?"[/color][/center] The stairwell steps were lit only by the light of small glass orbs the size of apples containing tiny fish-like creatures. The fish twisted and turned in their sphere glass cages, and their struggle to escape cause tiny rays of warm vibrating light to shine through. Some of the orbs appear to be loose in their slots and could easily be removed with a small knife or a good tug. The stairs are even planed, sturdy and made of stone. The mist ends abruptly at the doorway. The stairs ended at a landing, coiled in darkness. From the landing are a dozen corridors that lead to further chambers and hallways occupied only by the dead. All of the torches have been extinguished. Above each stone arched doorway are crests and icons, symbols and mottoes. Here one reads, "[i]Tedious, But Brief[/i]". Another holds a symbol representing a moon, broken by the rays of a stylized sun. Still above another appeared the words, "[i]Night, Shortly.[/i]" The largest stone archway leads down a slowly descending corridor. Above this doorway is the sign of the Unblinking Eye. It leads to a well lit room, much larger than the others and occupied only by an enormous circular doorway, locked with a pre-Obliteration hatch-wheel. [hider=For Saiorse's Eyes Only] The girl could feel the coin begin to warm quickly on her persons. She pulls it from the folds of her clothes and holds it loosely in the palm of her hand. The metal shakes and vibrates impossibly, rippling with what could only be magic. The eye, before unblinking and motionless, droops and begins to close slowly, the metal suddenly vivified... [/hider] [hider=For Chao's Eyes Only] (At the stairwell landing below) The warrior blinks in the dim light of the catacomb entrance, inspecting each hallway carefully. He notices small tracks in the dust, bare-feet moving with haste through the area. A struggle has occurred. He cannot determine how many, (or what type of creature) were involved, but most interesting are that one pair of tracks stops suddenly, and appears to be dragged back into the catacombs. A small baton lays in the corner of the room, with a broken glass orb on top. A string of fishhooks lays close to this. [/hider]