Kaleeth stepped up close in front of Janius and took his hands in hers. She smiled warmly at him, then gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Love, you will always have my support, no matter what. Maybe a good night's rest will help you clear your mind? We will have to send Aurana back tonight, I suppose, but it will be easy enough to find her again when we decide what to do. If you decide to meet your parents again, we can just knock on their door. Otherwise, we can just...put a note on her window, or something like that. Anyways, we should probably head back in and rejoin the others." --- Over the course of only a few minutes, Meesei could practically feel the tension melting away out of Lunise. Meesei could not be sure if Lunise had ever been given a proper chance to release her emotions to someone else. Possibly as a child she may have, but Meesei could not know what kind of parents she had. "I have to trust you, Lunise. We have to trust each other. In the times we live in, with the enemies we face, trust is one of the few precious things we have. You are not weak for wanting support; it takes strength to admit that. Without the support of my friends and family, I likely would have been dead years ago, or at the very least, touched by Sheogorath. No matter what people may think, no one is stronger alone. We will need each other if we hope to keep this world intact. Elven or Human, Dominion or Imperial, it does not matter your politics. We all have a claim to this world, and we all have a need to protect it. Whatever help and support you need from me, you will have it, because you are a friend. You are [i]my[/i] friend." Meesei said, still not releasing Lunise from her embrace. Short of Lunise being the most impressive actress in Tamriel, Meesei felt that she could be experiencing a genuine change. It was a change that would fly in the face of the majority of beliefs she had held as a Thalmor, but that did not mean it was not possible. Elven superiority was one of the primary public doctrines of the Thalmor, which would account for potentially centuries of prejudice that Lunise had been living with. However, in Meesei's experience, prejudice only tended to thrive in isolation. When Lunise lived among Thalmor, and only tended to emaciate with other Elves, it would be easy to reaffirm those beliefs. But, Meesei suspected that even just her capabilities and actions alone were likely challenging those beliefs.