[center][img]http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-T2cltE4kM2M/T6WA7K6dLpI/AAAAAAAAkn0/QcTzCBxB_7Y/w497-h373/firefire.gif[/img][/center] It was an odd sight for sure, in the middle of a old beaten path, there was a large campfire, but with no camp around it. Why would someone light such a big fire only to abandon it? Why was now suddenly the only source of light on the way to the tomb? These are questions that a few members of the Night watch had to consider, they were all heading in the same direction, but had approached the destination from different angles. One from the center of the road, one from the nearby woods, another from a dried out river walkway, but they all were too curious to not approach the fire, as members of the night watch it was their innate instinct to investigate what seemed to be strange., fully prepared for any danger that may come their way.