[quote=@Er0r] Howdy ho~ I was wondering if you'd like another? I blame Windel for pointing me in this direction, but don't feel obligated to accept xD [hider=Fresh Meat][CENTER][color=eef442][APPEARANCE][/color] [hider=Casually Pretty][img]http://i.imgur.com/OST3dUM.png[/img][/hider][hider=Pilot Suit][img]http://i.imgur.com/RWWFlL3.jpg[/img][/hider][/CENTER][hr][b][color=eef442][NAME][/color][/b] [indent]Elizabeth Blue[/indent] [b][color=eef442][TITLE][/color][/b] [indent]Little Devil Blue[/indent] [b][color=eef442][Allegiance][/color][/b] [indent]Machina[/indent] [b][color=eef442][GENDER][/color][/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b][color=eef442][RACE][/color][/b] [indent]Human[/indent] [b][color=eef442][AGE][/color][/b] [indent]18 ; Actually 146[/indent] [b][color=eef442][PERSONALITY][/color][/b] [indent] She tires hard and has the skill to back it up. Though, she tends to follow her gut more than anything. If it feels good, she'll adjust her focus until the world gives her what she desires. These wants are nothing more than distractions to her; but as each day feels longer than the last, more distractions aren't necessarily a bad thing.[/indent] [b][color=eef442][HISTORY][/color][/b] [indent]Amazing, the break throughs in science and health have accomplished through the years. A child of such, Elizabeth was born a prodigy among her peers. Tired of trivial life, Elizabeth moved on into the gaming world where she too rose quickly in skill and among followers. Granting victory of numerous competitions and an ever-rising fan base. Late into her career, she joined to fight against the new threat in the Nexus. Proving enough skill to keep with the best of them.[/indent] [b][color=eef442][POWERS][/color][/b] [indent]Knack for mechanical engineering. Able to handle and create electricity to aid in tasks.[/indent] [b][color=eef442][WEAPONS][/color][/b] [indent][url=http://imgur.com/mays17c]Ragnarok[/url] - An older model war machine whose systems have been streamlined and filled out with extra protection by none other than the pilot herself. This monstrosity of a machine fires mortar shells via its two arm machine guns, fabricating ammo as needed directly into the clips. Shots fired hit with pinpoint accuracy thanks to a firing computer that suggests and displays targets, which Elizabeth herself can shoot herself or, with on par accuracy, allow the computer to take over. To support the main cannons, the mech also boast four rail cannons strapped to its back. Though with a 1.5 second charge delay, Ragnarok can accurately hit and blow up a mile-wide city on the moon when firing from earth. However, the rail cannons can only fired with the use of the targeting computer. Should the mech hit a critical condition, its core overloads and threatens to blow up the surrounding area with the force of a couple of atomic bombs. During activation, the pilot is ejected and given a hardened plasma shield that protects against the explosion, timing out afterwards. This can be canceled remotely by her suit after ejection.[/indent] [b][color=eef442][EQUIPMENT][/color][/b] [indent] Apart from Ragnarok, Elizabeth sports a small plasma cutter and a few plasma charges for if and when she finds herself without her mech.[/indent] [b][color=eef442][THEME][/color][/b] [indent][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXI6Nyylfbw[/youtube][/indent][/hider] [/quote] ¬_¬ Hmm... Hmm... Hmm... Hmm... Hmm... Hmm... Not bad, I guess you can stay.