The banter within the Down and Out had already started to shift away from the planetary lockdown announcement and went back to more mundane topics, all blurring into one noise as it had when more patrons started to arrive at this establishment. It wasn't loud enough though that you were unable to hear your own thoughts or even the conversation of the person next to you. No, it was actually a pleasant volume and the mixture of laughter and cheers results in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Few places in the galaxy were able to achieve such a state so easily. There was a lot of turmoil out there, a lot of conflict. It was nice, really nice at times to be able to come to a place like this and just forget about it all. Even with the planetary lockdown looming overhead, the people within the place seemed to have already forgotten about it and went back to enjoying themselves. After all, what else could they do now? Attempting to leave the planet at this point would more then likely lead to your death. Ruce thought his conversation with the azure-haired woman went off to a flying start! She actually looked at him and replied to him. It's not very often he got THAT far. Usually all he got was a roll of the eyes, a displeased 'urgh' and then being walked away from. No, this woman, she went one step further and she spoke! Her terms were an interesting lot though. What did she need a fistful of teeth and a litre of blood for? Sounded like she was into some really weird shit. Or maybe it was really [i]interesting[/i]? The scruffy, unshaven man patted the outside of his jacket down as if he were searching for any spare teeth he head. After a frown, he stuck his left hand into his own mouth, pinched one of his teeth and tested pulling it out, but failed. His teeth were set fast into his gums. A sideways glance was sent towards Sky at the thought of socking him across the face, but Sky would probably not feel a thing and stamp Ruce's ass into the floor if he tried. The brunette looked back towards the azure-haired woman when Mani brought her a fresh drink. She'd completed ignored the odd blue concoction offered to her. She probably thought it was drugged or something. The comment about swords not being her thing caused a grin to spread across the pilot's face as he glanced up at the blonde beside him and chuckled. [color=007236]”Ah, bad luck big guy!”[/color], Ruce sneered as patted his old friend on the chestpiece before he reached for the drink he had offered Tes and returned it to it's rightful owner, raising the glass up off the bar for Sky to take. [color=007236]”Don't worry, yer'll find someone who'll wanna swing tha' sword of yers one day!”[/color], he beamed a bright grin at the mercenary. Snatching his drink from the bar, the scruffy man took a hearty swig before pushing himself up to his feet. Glancing over his shoulder towards the azure-haired woman, Ruce grinned at her. [color=007236]”Don't ya be goin' anywhere! I'll find ya some teeth an' blood fer whatever crazy ritual yer 'ave planned before the night is through!”[/color], the brunette pilot said as he reached for the brim of a hat he clearly wasn't wearing and 'tipped his hat up' before swivelling about on his heels and squeezing between Sky and another patron looking to reach the bar. However, after only travelling roughly four feet in his quest for 'teeth and blood', the shout of an enthusiastic-sounding 'Another round!', reached the pilot's ears through the blurred mass of sounds coming from every spot of the pub. Swiftly changing direction, Ruce made his way towards the owner of the voice and soon came across one of the handful of gambling tables set up in the Down and Out. Poker seemed to be the game of choice and there were currently three people playing. One was your average looking Joe, short fair hair, farmer's attire, an average pile of chips before him. Second was a stocky alien, muscular over body fat with a bald head, grey skin and a thick, bristle-like moustache, essentially a walking humanoid walrus complete with tusks. The cards looked tiny held in it's thick fingers. This one's chip pile was about the same as the farmers. Finally there was another human player, doing much better then the other two, as his chip pile was greater then the others combined. The unmistakable flash of military medals pinned to the breast of his jacket flickered and glimmered even in the dull light of this place. Ruce hovered around the edge of the table, cupping his right hand about his chin as his eyes darted across the table, taking in every movement, every gesture, every action. The cogs in his mind had started to turn.