[@Kymera] Well...I'm dumb. I [i]just[/i] saw your response. I'm going to just allude to it. I'm going to keep what I have posted as it is. The back and forth between and Kye and Medicham can be done in your next post and then follow through with the waking up in a strange place, etc. I've really been thinking about giving nicknames to Forrest's Pokemon. I never do it in the games...but I've been getting the impression that he'd give them nicknames...so I'mma work on that, too. ^^ (This doesn't affect anything that's happened so far, so it's not really of anyone's concern. Just thinking out loud ;P) Note for later: [hider]Syressa Wonder Scale: Status conditions that lower HP instead raise HP of a Pokemon with this Ability. All status attacks target a Pokemon with this ability. All Status attacks have 100% accuracy when a Pokemon with this ability is on the battlefield. (So Burn and Poison raise it's HP. However, all other Status moves (Sleep, Paralyze, Freeze, Confuse, Lowering/Raising Stats) targets this Pokemon automatically and all have a 100& chance of hitting) Halcrow Sand Skin: During a sandstorm, after each turn, the attack and defense raises one stage of a Pokemon with this ability. (Since Speed Boost is a thing, I thought it would be fair if two stats rose during a special condition that is temporary and that can be affected rather easily) Damselrade Slick Skin: During rain, after each turn, the special attack and special defense raises one stage of a Pokemon with this ability. (Same as above) Wickengu Wicked Grin: If a move targeting a Pokemon with this ability misses, the attacking Pokemon has a 50% chance of becoming paralyzed. (I'm not sure if 50% is too high. But, yeah, automatic paralyze when they miss is over-powered. Abusing Minimize, Smokescreen, etc. as well as held-items (not that they're really a thing here) is too easy) Atligon Sand Shield: During a sandstorm, Pokemon with this ability cannot be the target of status moves. (I don't really have a gauge as to the power-level of this Ability. It can be helped or hindered by any Status moves. It's kind of like an automatic Taunt during a Sandstorm with this Pokemon) Shaq'ti Expanded Mind: Status Moves used by a Pokemon with this ability affect all other allies on the battlefield. (Instead of Pokemon Center healing when fainting, I thought this could explain how she can Teleport other people/Pokemon (since that is unheard of)) Marionetta Phaser: All physical moves performed by a Pokemon with this ability are treated as Special Attacks and do not make contact. (Made this one to just affect itself) Kagooroom Efficient Fighter: A Pokemon with this ability does not have their stats lowered or HP lowered due to the use of Fighting-type moves. (Instead of spamming HP regeneration, they can spam Close Combat???)[/hider]