[i]Well, that escalated quickly.[/i] Thiara put a hand on her mouth as she watched the events unfold. Apparently the bandits weren't such, just a lumberjack and his partner who had confused them for the disciples of the Dark Lord. Well, with the necromancer and the scaled up elf, who could blame them? Besides, Thiara herself had nearly joined the Dark Lord's faction. At times like this, she might aswell have done so. But the situation was ebbing and flowing quickly, and with a little push a team of adventurers could be formed. A team with glorious loot. Thiara took the initiative. "I'm SORRY!" She squeaked with a stammer, as she did a exaggerated bow to the lumberjack. "I'm new to this kind of heroic witchy thing! I thought you were an evil tree slayer who worked under the Dork Lord." She let the slip of the tongue intentionally, as new appearances seemed to skirt the forest. "Hi. I'm Thiara. A witch. I also try to kick orc's butts." She said to the newcomer, as she waved her staff energetically. "Can't we all just get along?" She finished. But there was something in the back of her mind, which she could not shake off. Where had that woodsman yeller gone to?