What I envision for the lodge is a group of individuals (some with powers, but all with a certain degree of bravery) bond together through an unlikely series of adventures that turn them into a team - a team that may eventually change, or save, the world of Faiza from a threat to all life and freedom. Part of the fun will be seeing the heroes grow and change as time goes on, part of it will be the sheer joy of exploration, danger, and adventure. ...and if there happen to be things like swimsuit episodes, romantic developments among the team or with other characters met along the way, and other hijinx that really are difficult to explain to people later but make you laugh really hard, [i]well[/i]... That'd be pretty bonus. AND, if things go well, I may run other RPs set in this same world, but at different times and places. This RP will focus primarily on the lodgers, but Faiza is a big place, and they can't be everywhere at once. ...I'm not sure if that's the answer to the question that was asked, but I figure it never hurts to throw stuff like this out there, see what sticks. I mean, this general concept was run in different iterations in chatrooms a number of times for over a decade - some of which still exist in some form today. I'm trying to bring this concept to a more static form of RP medium.