Thorin scoffed lowly, disgusted by the request. “I will not treat with any man while an armed host lies before my door," he spat, having no intentions whatsoever to fulfill the pledge he'd made. "Your threats do not sway me," he grew more riled each moment, the sickness had nearly succeeded in claiming his mind once and for all. “When did the men of Laketown come to our aid, but for the promise of rich reward?!” Kili remained in his place, watching the exchange with sorrowful eyes. This wasn't right -- he felt that in his heart, but he was reluctant to voice his thoughts on the matter. If he spoke out of turn again, he feared being banished along with Saeril and Fili. Thorin hadn't threatened Fili, but Kili knew he would accompany them. Fili was remarkably loyal. Still. Fili belonged here, they all did. Kili hated feeling this way; he felt cowardly. Bard and his children had been good enough to take them in. He'd supplied them with weapons and shelter. This was no way to repay such a debt. Thorin and Bard continued to argue back and forth, voices raising at every syllable. "A bargain? What choice did we have but to barter our birthright for blankets and food? To ransom our future in exchange for our freedom? You call that a fair trade?" Thorin never broke eye contact. "Tell me, Bard the Dragonslayer...why should I honor such terms?”