[hider=K-453][center][img]http://irongamer.ru/_ld/3/76670742.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=gray][color=silver]N[/color]ame:[/color][/b] [color=silver]KX Series UNIT: K-453[/color] [b][color=gray][color=silver]A[/color]ge:[/color][/b] [color=silver]Unknown - Currently Active 26 Years[/color] [b][color=gray][color=silver]G[/color]ender:[/color][/b] [color=silver]Masculine Programming[/color] [b][color=gray][color=silver]N[/color]otoriety[/color][/b] [color=silver]-1[/color] [b][color=gray][color=silver]A[/color]ppearance:[/color][/b] [color=silver]Befitting his designation as a security droid, [url=https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/fd/K-2SO_Sideshow.png/revision/latest?cb=20170302003128]K4[/url] is a monolithic automaton, standing at 7'1" and looming over nearly all humans and cyborgs. With charcoal gray plating, long spindly limbs, meticulous, five-fingered hands, and a skull-like head, K4 was designed with the intent to intimidate and subdue, bearing a vaguely human impression while quite glaringly standing out within a crowd. His dual photoreceptors designed to mimic the human eyes glow a bright white while active, fading to darkness whenever K4 is deactivated or in standby mode. His platform is dotted with numerous scrapes and other markings that give testament to a less-than-quiet life.[/color] [b][color=gray][color=silver]P[/color]ersonality:[/color][/b] [center][color=silver]Stoic – Cynical – Selfless – Cruelly Blunt[/color][/center] [b][color=gray][color=silver]B[/color]io:[/color][/b] [color=silver]K4 remembers nothing of his 'life' before reactivation. The first memory in his databanks he can recall is activating atop a workbench, his photoreceptors first documenting a young blonde-haired boy no older than 10. The same boy he would follow loyally for the next 26 years of his life. For the first time free of an outright directive and operating under a complete reprogramming, K4 formed a close bond with the young Declan, watching over him as a friend and protector, escorting him to and from school while the boy's father worked, assisting in operation of the scrapyard in the meantime. This same routine kept for five years, until in the dead of night, K4's young ward met him with a lone duffel bag, the boy's sense of adventure wanting him to seek something more to his life. Without a second's hesitation, K4 followed, facing a strange and terrifying world with his master and friend. The next years were spent as vagrant wanderers, traveling from district to district with just enough documentation to keep from being outright apprehended. Time continued to trudge along its ceaseless count and the years kept ticking away. Declan grew and matured before K4's eyes, his idealism gradually being replaced with cynicism and a denial of real hope. Declan had found his occupational niche within Terra's underbelly, finding a wide call for the services of bounty hunters, hitmen, crime cleaners, gun runners, drug mules, and anything in between. At first the mercenary jobs were justifiable enough, usually tracking down criminals or other degenerate scum who needed to be removed, whose deaths could be vindicated. But the jobs gradually became more and more ethically ambiguous. The list of acceptable targets began growing, and any moral qualms were usually satiated by enough creds. It was a slow change. So slow no one could actively have seen it, not even Declan himself. But K4 saw it, saw as greed and cruelty bled into his master's heart like poison in his veins. Mowing down criminals had turned into recapturing runaway slaves, prostitutes, or simply someone who owed a debt. Negotiations turned into threats of violence; and any moral code of his changed with the sum of money. But K4 merely stood back, loyally following. No matter what anyone else saw, to the droid, Declan was still that bright-eyed scrap-boy. And always would be.[/color] [b][color=gray][color=silver]D[/color]istrict:[/color][/b] [color=silver]CURRENTLY: DST-38-WEST[/color] [b][color=gray][color=silver]A[/color]ccount Balance:[/color][/b][color=silver]2500 Creds[/color] [b][color=gray][color=silver]O[/color]ther:[/color][/b] [list] [*][color=silver]Despite his model design and prerogative, K4 personally disdains of brute violence if it can be helped, preferring to aid Declan as a hacker or strategic analyst.[/color] [/list] [/hider]