His idea was… something. Something was better than nothing but the sudden arms around her waist caused her face to explode red. Then again with the velocity required to get them moving, he had to hold onto her and tightly. With a beat red face, she pulled herself and him with all her magical strength and launched them from the inside off the ship. It wasn’t long before they found themselves falling towards the water, her magical chains vanishing due to her lack of magic and pain in her shoulder. This confidence was shocking and she even looked back at him with surprise in her big blue eyes. Could she actually trust him? Well probably… she was sharing a house with him for the time being and while he didn’t seem like one who really cared about many things, the thought of beating up people seemed to be something he enjoyed. Maybe that was a Dragon Slayer thing, a small nod rose and fell her head as she listened to him. “Kick some ass.” She said with a smirk as he let go of her and she was caught by Valier. The young flying cat took Taunie to the ground where she was dropped. A lot of the guild members had pushed back the remaining group but were focused on treating others. By the time the two had arrived to shore, they fell with exhaustion. Guild members were quick to gather the tired cat and the injured girl before taking them to the nearby recovery tent. As the tent closed, all Taunie could see was a figure emerging form the water, ready to end the battle of Fairy Tail.