She always jumped to conclusions. Always and it made him chuckle softly and it wasn’t until they were in the car that he brought her hand to his lips and gave it a tender kiss. “It’s okay.” He replied softly. Despite his reassurance, she continued to panic and all he could do was smile knowing this was her and this is what she does. The arrival at the grocery store was a nice one and they held hands on their way in after exchanging an affectionate hug. After going through the store, he couldn’t help but chuckle as she struggled to reach the container. She was so innocent, so tiny and so charming he couldn’t get over it. Stepping up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a small hug from behind. A gentle sigh left him before he let her go and reached past her grabbing the garlic flavored sauce. “Tonight we’ll do a pre-made sauce. We can’t overwork you too much since we’re making the dough.” Grabbing two containers he pulled them from the shelf and placed them into the cart. His face scrunched together in a questioning form before he turned to her. Stepping to her, he gently placed a large hand on her cheek, his thumb running softly along her smooth skin. “Freya, I have a question for you. And I wanted an honest answer…” His voice was in a soft whisper as he worded his question to her, “Do you know what those kind of actions you did on the couch do to a man? Not a butler, but a man.” If she didn’t and she was just saying and doing things without this knowledge he… well his heart wouldn’t be able to take it if she didn’t realize how her actions could be taken by the men of the world.