Julan had been a bit more silent on the way back to the Aetius manor than he had been speaking to Aurana. Not only was it stressful to go back to the manor in the presence of his father, but he did have a worry in the back of his mind that her parents might unexpectedly be awake, which could get her in trouble. Fortunately, it did not seem like they had any trouble getting back into their house. He supposed he would only really know if her parents found out when they contacted her again the next day. Julan was content to stay quiet on the way back to the castle, but his father seemed to have something else in mind. Now that Aurana was gone, he was not sure what Janius had in mind. A part of him was afraid that he was still in trouble, and that his parents had only avoided bringing it up because Aurana was present. It was a fear that certainly showed in his expression as he looked up to his father. "Um, okay. Is there...anything wrong?" He asked. --- "Hmm, I have to wonder if the ideals of your leadership that threaten us now existed in the beginning, behind the scenes, or if they developed later?" Meesei mused. She did not wish to linger on the subject of their current troubles for too long, so she decided to shift the conversation in a somewhat different direction. "History says that they came to power off of their great successes defending against the Daedra hordes. Certainly, they performed a great service for their people at the time. Indeed, in a short time, the Thalmor were able to create an impressive, unified nation spanning most of southern Tamriel. In terms of their public policies and goals, I would find the Thalmor to be effective rulers...apart from the notion of 'Elven superiority'. Though, no doubt you would expect that objection from me." Though Lunise's story was abbreviated, it gave Meesei a good sense for how her life had progressed. Meesei's knowledge of history could fill in some of the gaps for events that Lunise was likely involved in. While Meesei was sure that there were plenty of interesting stories from her life, it would likely be better to ask about those later, when it was less likely to remind her of what she had lost. "As for my life, it has progressed in a shorter time frame, of course, but I could fill tomes with my life story. I am currently...what is it now, forty-four years of age. I have been serving Hircine since my seventeenth year, shortly after my father died unexpectedly. I was placed into his role, and immediately into a crisis. My village's hunters were unable to find enough prey to sustain our needs, and our Master-Hunter suspected that there was a curse or some other magic to blame. I never found evidence of a curse, but I solved the problem by communing with Hircine. At first, I merely bargained with him, much like a business deal. But, I was soon inspired to serve him. I became a lycan willingly, and gladly. My motivations for serving him seem so...distant now. What Hircine demands of his followers is strength and skill. The ability to be a dangerous predator, and even more dangerous prey. I was young, and a mage far beyond my years, so I am sure you can see why that appealed to me. I was powerful, and wanted to prove that I was the strongest, like so many others that age. Of course, I actually succeeded." Meesei said with a lighthearted chuckle. "I have been Hircine's Champion for just under sixteen years now. I claimed the title by killing a lycan hunter in service of Clavicus Vile. The war had not yet started at that point, though Vile's plans were already in motion. Back then, we had clans scattered all over Tamriel, much like we do now, but they were much smaller and entirely disconnected from one another. It was my idea to organize our clans more closely, so as to be able to coordinate our attacks against Vile more effectively. Then, I proceeded to lead a war effort that has consumed almost half my life, but even knowing that, I would do it again. There is now a chance, however small, that my people, lycans, could one day live a kind of life they have never known in the history of Tamriel. One where they do not have to live in fear. If I had to sacrifice my life to make that happen, I would do it. For them, and for my own family." By this point, Meesei felt that it would be at least somewhat awkward to continue to hold on to Lunise so tightly, though she also did not let go completely. She kept her arms around her, but pulled back enough that she could at least look Lunise in the face. Meesei was smiling. "What about you? Your friends and family back home, what are they like?"