[hider=Shurelia] [b]Name[/b]: Shurelia [b]Universe[/b]: Ar Tonelico [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Standard appearance] [img]http://s01.riotpixels.net/data/77/ed/77ed915f-db45-4f3b-beb6-480fb11c2431.jpg.240p.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Linkage armor] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d6/bc/89/d6bc891cb640505a1644cd440d6676cf.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Though she appears to be a cold person, Shurelia actually prefers to hide her emotions as a result of traumatic events in her past. This makes her serious and no-nonsense in her capacity as an administrator, though she longs for freedom and to have a normal life. Is a compulsive liar about her age and will never admit it even when confronted with the truth. [b]Powers/Skills[/b]: Coding - Shurelia has the ability to code in the various languages that the tower uses. Grathmelding - A special science that she created which imbues items with supernatural powers (aka Magic). Even though she invented it, she hasn't had much experience actually using it herself. Hymmnos - As a Reyvatiel, Shurelia is able to use her connection to the Tower to perform powerful magics in the form of spells. These can be used for offensive, defensive, and a whole host of other utilitarian purposes. She has a limited repertoire of songs, but it is theoretically possible to make more with assistance. Given her current location, she is unsure if this will even work. Song magic works on a charge system. The longer you have to charge it up, the more powerful it gets. But there is a power cap to how far you can charge it up. [hider=Hymnos List] Exec_Suspend - Puts the entire Tower in standby mode, which is coincidentally how she wound up here. Primal Word - Throws a ball of magic at the enemy Ar Tonelico - The Tower itself fires a big honking laser beam at the enemy Life Fill - Revives and heals the target if incapacitated. Energy Fill - Provides elemental defense and increases elemental damage of those the spell is used on. Blast Fill - Boosts attack power, defense, and agility Full Cushion - Creates a defensive barrier to weaken enemy attacks Medi Fill - Cures abnormal status afflictions Sonic Shot - Fires a short burst of sound Fire Shot - Follows the label Ice Shot - Follows the label Thunder shot - Again, follows the label Gale shot - Fires a burst of wind [/hider] [b]Brief Bio[/b]: Shurelia was the first Reyvatiel ever created, with her name coming from her adoptive father after his daughter died in a war. Early in her life she was installed with Parameno and Grathnode Crystals to connect her to the Tower so she could serve as Administrator, a very painful process. This was completed to some extent, however it could not be fully finished because a few years later the Grathnode Inferia Catastrophe took place, killing her father and leaving her in significant pain until it ended With him gone there was no one left who could finish the connections. After the end pf the Catastrophe, Shurelia convinced the world to help her build the Silver Horn, a new Sound Science System, that she demanded never be used for warfare. She was made Controller and given command over the Reyvatiels who had built it. However soon after strange creatures began to attack people, and she showed the people how to make β-type Reyvateils to defeat the monsters. This succeeded, too well. The monsters were defeated, but to her horror people began to mass produce β-type Reyvateils for use in warfare, culminating in the creation of Mir, the most powerful Reyvatiel ever. Shurelia was removed as controller of the Silver Horn so Mir could be put in her place, which worked fine until Mir rebelled and tried to wipe out her creators. The people turned to Shurelia for help and she agreed to do so, only for it to end up being a trap to do to her the same thing that had been done to Mir before she rebelled. Shurelia was rescued from this by Mir but at a tragic cost of life, and in turn she declared war on Mir. Together with the Teru Tribe, they were able to build the Crescent Chronicle, and with the help of the second most powerful β-type Reyvateil in the world, Lune, they were able to seal Mir away. In the wake of it all, Shurelia banned the use of Sound Science, though she did invent a new system called Grathmelding to make up for it. Eventually though Mir woke up, and resumed her plan to create a world for only Reyvatiels. Shurelia sent one of her most trusted knights, Lyner Barsett, to get the Purger Crystal so they could defeat the viruses that were trying to break through to Platina to free Mir. Lyner succeeded in this, and Mir was temporarily stopped. the next threat would come as Platina was taken over by Kyle Clancy, who almost released Mir. This tired Shurelia, and while she was weakened she was betrayed and taken over by Mir and one of her followers. Fortunately Lyner was able to separate the connection between them using an FFT Divider. However Mir's revival continued, and as a last resort Shurelia suspended operation of the tower, stopping Mir but also functionally killing herself too. At least that was what she thought. Up until she awoke in a strange city she had never seen before.... [b]Equipment[/b]: Linkage Armor - Serves as protection and allows Shurelia to communicate with the Tower, though obviously the Tower isn't here so that function is basically useless. [b]Others[/b]: Has absolutely no sense of direction. Fond of bunnies. Has an interesting ability to cook. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Amc8jcwVvM[/youtube][/hider]