Julan did calm down noticeably, even if he could not entirely shake his anxiety. For as long as they were in Bravil, he would likely be nervous about being punished for visiting his grandparents. But, for the moment at least, he could breathe a sigh of relief. "Um, thank you." Julan responded, still calming from his initial anxiety, but obviously genuine in his tone. "I don't think you have to be afraid of them, I just want to help Aurana. I would hate to be locked up in one building like that. She seems so nice. But...do you really think we might make things worse for her? I really wouldn't want to do that." --- Meesei chuckled. "Everything you say here, you say in confidence. The most I will say to Marod, or anyone else, is that you are in the process of recovering." For Meesei, Lunise's descriptions of her friends and family did not sound terribly different from what she had been expecting. Lunise, while not entirely isolated, was also not terribly close to many people. The way she spoke about her friends was almost more like friendly acquaintances. Although, Meesei supposed she could not be completely certain of what her relationships were like. Regardless, Lunise was curious about Meesei's family, and she had quite a lot she could say about them. "Assembling my pack was something that took years, and there is a unique story behind all of them, but there is a common thread between most of them. Even before I became Champion, Hircine communicated with me through dreams. Through my beast blood. It is not something that is entirely unique to me, but neither is it common. It is something that he only does to those with whom he has specific intentions. For me, he helped me find nearly every member of my pack. Lorag was the first. He was a former Legionnaire who was infected during the Skyrim Civil War, then lived out in the wilds for years before Hircine directed me to him. Actually recruiting him was fairly simple. I was one of the first lycans he had seen since his infection, so I needed only prove my strength, and prove myself worthy of leading. If lycans did not heal so quickly, I likely would have given him a few scars. Ahnasha was next, a year or two later. I did not find her, but it was still Hircine who guided her to me. Like me, she worshipped Hircine before becoming a lycan. She was young, frustrated with city life, and wanted to make herself stronger. She was a young woman of only sixteen years, I believe, when she slew a local minotaur single-highhandedly and sacrificed it to Hircine. She was gifted with an audience with an aspect of Hircine himself. He guided her to my pack, and I personally gifted her with the beast blood. Aside from myself, I believe she was the only one of my pack to receive the beast blood on her own terms. The next two, Janius and Sabine, were not so fortunate. Janius was the son of an Imperial noble family, and a member of the Fighter's Guild. He was contracted to clear out a cave of bears, but he and his group were trapped by a collapse and attacked by a nest of giant spiders. I never asked him to describe the details, but I imagine it was a horrifying event. But, he slew all of the spiders and was the sole survivor of his group. Hircine led me to him, and in exchange for his rescue, he joined my pack. Sabine went through...incredible trauma in her childhood. I do not wish to share all of the details without her permission, but she was not infected willingly, and went through a great deal of pain before she finally escaped into the wilds. We were led to one another by Hircine and, over time, I came to think of her as my adopted daughter. Certainly, I love her with all of my heart, with a bond closer than any blood relationship I have had. I helped her overcome her childhood trauma, and...I would say she helped me in similar ways on several occasions." Even thinking about all that Sabine had done for her over the years gave Meesei a warm smile, but she quickly moved on with her explanation. "Fendros was next. He was attacked while hunting by a feral werewolf. He managed to kill it, but was infected in the process. Again, Hircine led me to him. I collected him while he was still unconscious and helped heal what his regeneration had not already taken care of. He did not take quickly to the pack, but he slowly grew to accept it. Last was Kaleeth, who was something of a unique addition. We came into her village in Black Marsh on business related to the Hist, and over the course of our stay, she and Janius ended up falling rather quickly in love with one another. How she came to be infected as a werecrocodile is still something of a mystery. As we were nearing the point where we were going to leave the village, she went out into the marsh with the intent of trying to commune with Hircine. She does not remember what happened afterwards, but when we found her, she was a werecrocodile. I can guess that she succeeded in her goal, but that is still speculation. Rhazii and Kaj-Julan were, obviously, born into the pack. Rhazii is the son of Ahnasha and Fendros, while Julan is the son of Janius and Kaleeth." Meesei still needed to answer Lunise's question about their families, but she had been talking long enough that she wanted to give Lunise a chance to respond.