Julan paused in thought at what his father explained to him, though just like Kaleeth, he had no immediate answers. "Are you...sure they're still like that? Since it's been so long? They could change in all that time, probably." Rubbing the back of his neck, Julan tried to reason out how to avoid making anything worse for Aurana. He did not have the life experience to look at the problem from all of the angles that his parents had tried to approach, but he did have the unique perspective of a child with experience keeping himself out of trouble. "Well...let's just make sure they don't blame her. If we talk to them, and they try to punish her for standing up to them, then you can just say that you made her say all those things. Just make it seem like it wasn't her idea. Then, they'll blame you instead. They'll be mad at you, but they can't punish you or anything so...it doesn't matter." He suggested. --- "Are you asking if I have seen my tribe since my initial departure? No, I have not." Meesei answered, shaking her head. "Both of my parents had died by the time I left the village, and I had no brothers or sisters. I did have a few uncles and an aunt, and some cousins, but I was not particularly social with them growing up. Certainly, I did not leave much behind that would prompt me to try to go back. It was easier for me to leave than it is for most lycans. I have no doubt that my village is surviving as it always has. My successor was capable, and the rest of the clan were a resilient people. They did not need me. For me, and most other lycans, it is best to leave our former lives behind, for various reasons. It is never safe for a novice lycan to remain among civilization, but even afterwards, it can be difficult to go back. We are seen as monsters, as you know, and not everyone is capable of seeing past that. For my village, I doubt they would approve of my devotion to Hircine, though not out of any particular hatred of him. Rather, they would not approve of me placing any other being above the Hist. Otherwise, Hircine is a sort of...neutral force in the world. He is neither good nor evil; he simply exists as a force of nature. His sphere is the natural cycle of life and death. Predator and prey. His only goal is to foster strength among his followers." After a moment's pause, Meesei gave a quick chuckle. "At the very least, he is not always attempting to conquer Tamriel, as other Daedra are wont to do. For me personally, it does not matter what others worship. Hircine is not a Daedra who demands that all follow him, so if others wish to worship the Hist, another Daedra, the Eight, the Nine, anything else, or nothing at all, it does not concern me. So as long as they can leave me in peace. I do not mean to preach to you, though. I am sure you were well-aware that the Champion of Hircine worshipped Hircine." Thinking for another few moments, an idea came to Meesei's mind. "When was the last time you have been to Alinor? Would you like to go there tomorrow, just for the day? To relax?" Meesei asked, making no mention of how they were going to traverse half a continent in a single day.