"It's crossed my mind," Janius said to Julan's first line of questions. "However, if they are cooping Aurana up, I can't guarantee that they would have changed for the better." Julan's suggestion made Janius raise his eyebrows. He looked to one side in thought and ended his pause in a low hum. "That's a thought. That's a good thought." He sighed and closed his eyes. "It's been a long day. Hold that and we'll think of something in the morning, come." Janius turned a palm out at his side, gesturing towards the barracks. He turned on his foot to walk with Julan back to their quarters. [hr] Lunise responded first to Meesei's beliefs half-heartedly, as if doing so for the sake of it. "If your religion was the real reason for someone like me disturbing the peace, you would have worked that out by now. Talos worship would have drawn that sort of trouble from me. Before today, at least. Before..." She trailed off. At this point, Lunise sniffed back and found her nose clearing. Her tears were beginning to dry stiffly on her face. Short of readjusting her hair and wiping her eyes, she was all but recomposed. "I last set foot in Alinor, I think...forty-three years ago." Contrary to Meesei's vagueness of method, Lunise did not appear confused. "If I were to go," she said, looking over Meesei's head. "I do not think I would be able to relax. Being that close to those that would probably want me dead if they found out, no." She took a quick breath. "But I would see father again. I would like to visit him and just...without telling him about all this, enjoy some time in his company. While I will still be able to." Lunise shook her head. "Not that I'll be able to get there is such a short time, of course. My magic would not send me halfway across Tamriel and over to the south-west over the night by any stretch of the imagination."