Meesei started to grin. "Would it truly surprise you to learn that I am capable of teleporting vast distances? It is no more unusual than other forms of magic I have demonstrated. As I have alluded to before, I have had the opportunity to study many exotic and archaic forms of magic, and teleportation was something that attracted quite a lot of my attention during that time. It is an interesting subject, as there are several methods for approaching the problem. The ancient nightblades of the second era utilized an entire form of magic that has since been lost to time, called shadow magic, which allowed for short range teleportation. Various groups like the ancient Dunmer, or even the Mages' Guild a few centuries ago, regularly used teleportation enchantments. And of course, the Psijics were able to teleport their entire Isle of Artaeum out of this plane of existence." Even now, Meesei was not sure that she wanted to divulge the existence of her propylon network, as it was a vital part of the infrastructure they had built to connect the clans. But, she was not lying about her other explorations into teleportation magic, and she felt that she would be able to achieve the same result in a different way. "And I do not believe you need to worry about being discovered at this stage. Your superiors are not aware of what you know, and they do not need to learn. It, perhaps, may not even be wise to report that we captured Areldril. I doubt your superiors would be happy about the failure, but it is not as if every Justiciar succeeds in every mission. Even the most skilled agents in Tamriel will still fail some of their missions. But, that is just a suggestion. We can decide those details when we all come together again to discuss it. Regardless, my primary point was that you can spend at least a few hours tomorrow anywhere you like on the island. At least, anywhere you can properly visualize. I believe it may help to clear your mind."