With Lunise's back turned to her, Meesei charged a spell. Instead of glowing as usual, her hand was encompassed in shadow. Then, in an instant, Lunise would suddenly find that Meesei was standing across the table from her, with small wisps of a shadowy energy dissipating around her as the only evidence of what she had done. It was shadow magic, the craft of the ancient nightblades. It was not the kind of magic that would take one such a long distance as Meesei had been describing, but she believed it would serve her point nonetheless. "I would not be so skeptical, Lunise. Much of the time, knowledge is never truly lost. It merely goes dormant." "Regardless, you may be correct that tomorrow may not be an appropriate time to leave. I suppose we still have much to decide. But, I would not put the idea out of your mind entirely, Lunise." Meesei said. Letting out a sigh, she raised up her hand and looked down at it, charging the raw energies of shadow magic through it. Her expression rather suddenly turned sullen, regretful. "All of this power, these abilities, they did not come without cost. I was a terrible fool in even attempting to acquire them. I am certainly more powerful now, of that there is no question. But...you can trust me when I say that isolating yourself from your family, friends, and anyone else you may care about can be a terrible mistake. I wanted to bring an end to this war, but in doing so, I nearly lost my own life, and almost destroyed my relationships with those I hold most dear. I want to keep you from making the same mistakes I did, Lunise. I want to let you go back to your homeland and remind yourself of why you are doing what you are doing. Isolating yourself from such things for too long can warp your perspective more than you might expect."