[@LokiLeo789][@Plank Sinatra][@Silvan Haven][@Ayazi] [B]Gratia Mindaro - VGGB Dorm[/b] Her phone vibrated as she reluctantly pulled away from the embrace of her parents, but Gratia ignored it; whatever the contents of the message she had received, they were as unimportant to her as the pathetic wastes of data that were rotting away in her trash folder. Her attentions were solely aimed towards her parents; the sight of them after so long continued to manifest bubbles of joy inside, and her fair features were accentuated by the constant presence of her bright smile. "[color=66cd00]When did you arrive?[/color]" she asked, glancing between them. She hoped that they had not been wandering lost for too long, even if they had the map she had annotated. "Only a few hours back," said her father. "We got to explorin' the city a bit. Jericho here-" He pointed back at the young man with his thumb. "-was [I]très sympa[/I] and helped us around." "We could obtain quite a number of souvenirs with his help!" added her mother cheerfully, lifting up one of the plastic bags that had been filled with sweets. The radiant grin on the woman's own face was, to observers, especially similar to her daughter's smile. "You have such polite friends, Gratia." [I]Friend[/I] was a descriptor she never would have considered to apply to the Atlesian operative; he was essentially a stranger, as well as a possible threat that needed to be removed. However, he had managed to worm his way into her parents' graces, so ultimately the young huntress decided against correcting her mother. Not now, anyway. He had made them happy, and that was something that was ... acceptable. "[color=66cd00]Sorry I couldn't be here when you came,[/color]" said Gratia, changing the topic. It was irksome, knowing that she had failed to greet her parents the very moment they landed. There was so much she wanted to talk about with them, so much she wanted to catch up on. "[color=66cd00]Ah, do you want me to make anything or-[/color]" [right]"[color=Gainsboro]Mind if I interrupt?[/color]"[/right] The answer the unfamiliar voice received was a pair of steely onyx eyes gazing in his direction. Gratia had turned her attention away from her parents in one smooth motion, entire body shifting around so that she had full sight of the door. Another Faunus. Appearance suggested a feline type. Coupled with a muscular body, and the dossier she had inspected earlier in the morning, the identity of the intruder was immediately evident. "[color=66cd00]Geni Hung,[/color]" she said almost clinically as she studied him. "[color=66cd00]You're the new team member.[/color]" His interruption was irksome, but it was her responsibility to keep on top of the state of the team. Especially when Venetia was barely awake. Said girl, of course, had disappeared into a wardrobe at some point.