[center][b]Nori Osamu - Team 5 Leader[/b][/center] The young man sat alone at the training field. Nori was perched on a large rock, with a cup of coffee in his hands visibly steaming. Though he was very early to his team's meeting, he was far from prepared. This wasn't the first time his team was "reorganized." And with Otho being moved elsewhere, Nori now had only fresh faces to deal with. And considering he didn't know a single one of them and likely none of them knew him, he was going to have to learn about his students before any real plans could be made. He let out a sigh before taking another sip of his coffee. Nori looked up to the sky now. He judged that it was about time that his genin should be showing up. [I]What should I make them do?[/I] he thought to himself. [I]I can test them like I did my last set. That could work. But I am more curious as to how they will work together rather than how they will survive together. Perhaps I should do something a bit different. A twist...[/I] Another sip of the coffee. Then a smile formed on Nori's face.