[@Whoami] XCOM Operators manned the consoles that surrounded the geoscape, deciphering information and monitoring various channels for anything suspect. The commander of the NA base emerged from the other side of the geoscape, dressed in a mostly black version of the uniform the operators wore, the striking aspect of his appearance was the clear scar of a plasma-burn across the left side of his face, feebly hidden by a metallic eye-patch. Dark brown hair was streaked with strands of gray, the wear on his body the evidence of years of service [color=fff79a]"Two days ago the U.S.S Sea-fang, a nuclear submarine, was on patrol around the arctic circle. All contact was lost with the ship and its crew. A week ago natives living in upper Canada also started to go mysteriously going missing after dark. Of course they blamed a sort of boogeyman but we know better."[/color] he paused for a breath before looking up at a monitor behind the geoscape [color=fff79a]"Liberty, please pull up footage retrieving from our satellite and display it on screen."[/color] A female robotic voice filled up the space of the command room [color=7ea7d8]"At once, commander. I am bringing it on-screen now."[/color] A structure clearly of design similar to the UFOs came into view, surrounded by ice. The NA commander, Liam Marsh, faced the two squads once more [color=fff79a]"Further examination leads us to believe the structure consists of five stories. We also highly suspect there will be a commander or something close near the bottom of the facility. Besides that information, we are currently unaware of what lies in store. This is the first alien outpost we have seen so far. That is why both squads with be equipped with a arc thrower. Let me be clear, I do not expect anyone to risk their life to capture a new alien."[/color] he seemed very firm on the last point [color=fff79a]"Your mission is to capture the facility and recover anything of value. If possible, you are to capture the alien in charge of the facility. This is new territory for us so I expect everyone to be careful. Further briefing will be given on the skyranger once you approach the facility. Dismissed."[/color] He gave a quick salute, indicating it was time to leave for the aircraft Alex had to admit even he was tad uncertain about this mission, but they were XCOM and this was what it was all about. No one else was going to take the invaders out besides them. He didn't mingle with the Arctic Wolves like the rest of his team as they all headed for the hanger, he was barely getting along with his own team. Feng seemed to be particularly friendly with Hengeveld which was not a surprise since their two squads were always paired when it was needed. Kiana seemed to be enjoying toying with the one known as Lewis. All faces he has seen before except one. He made his way to her calmly, she must be the one that survived the Vancouver mission. The first mission fright seemed to be getting to her, he had been the same way [color=ed145b]"I heard you survived the UFO crash in Canada and took out a couple aliens yourself. This will be your first mission for XCOM, right?"[/color] He asked but the answer was obvious, listing plain fact so far. He wished they had arrived sooner.[color=ed145b]"You have already survived your first encounter with them. You might not know the enemy well but we do. Trust your instincts and follow our lead and you will be alright."[/color] He was trying his best to help, this wasn't normally something he did. It might be something her squad-leader should tell her but he was there and he felt partially responsible.