"This can't be real. These... things are popping up like cockroaches." One member of the SWAT team said. "That's seven in the past two days. They keep showing, we'll keep bringing them in." Another replied. "We got four out there. I want them alive and no holes, non-leath rounds are go. Got it?" "Rodger." All the members of the SWAT team said as once. With that, they all moved out at once. It took only seconds for all four of them to go down and be tossed into the back. A few minutes later they transported into a blacksite that all too few people know about. There they would be tossed into a cell with another man. One that looked like he was willing and waiting to kill everyone that looked him the wrong way. With one look at the his new found cell mates he leaned back and closed his eyes. "Y'all make to much noise. Keep it down." He was trying to get as much as he could, only a few minutes did three more arrive. All of them female. The man smiled a bit, everything was coming together.