[color=00aeef]"I see then....I'm not the only one late to this party hm? Interesting..."[/color] commented Len as he looked at the new man and chuckled. [color=00aeef]"A pleasure all the same. I'll reintroduce myself: You may call me Len."[/color] commented the young man as he smiled. [color=00aeef]"I hope for an honorable war between all of us present."[/color] Len commented as Leon frowned he wondered if the man was serious. For all he knew the man could be an underhanded trickster. He couldn't be too sure. If only he had Jeanne with him. Saber was particularly good at finding things out. One of her 'gifts from god' sort of deal. [color=8dc73f]"I don't see that happening for a number of reasons Len. All the same nice to meet you. You may call me Leon. More info would be unwise to give. I hope you understand the risk of giving away your last name correct Kaldera?"[/color] asked Leon as Walter sighed. [color=f7941d]"I have waited long enough, young Togami I'm sure you'll ask this so I'll answer it before you do: anyone else who seeks to hear my words can come see me at a later time. As of this moment I will impart to you some very secretly kept knowledge found out during the second holy grail war by the caster during that time. The wish you all seek to be granted shall not only be a hypothetical one impossible wish for one servant, and master. But also lesser wish for up to six masters depending on the circumstances. I believe that if enough servants are defeated the power of the grail may be enough to be split up into groups. As some of you may know the cup from the previous war was not claimed, or if you were unaware of that fact you know of it now. This incidental coincidence was not told to other masters in previous wars because of the fact that other masters may abuse the loop hole in some way."[/color] [color=f7941d]"They were to fight to the bloody end in order to complete the grail challenge. However there was no crowned winner in that war. Only senseless death. I can only assume the masters from the old war are out there living with their servants as familiars right now. The grail must've fallen into some sort of slumber afterwards unused and unwanted. However with seven additional masters the impossible has come to light. The cup has declared that up to several masters can now claim the grail as a party. Not unlike how some champions of old would do. Despite this however you may chose to claim it on your own. And the war will not end until at least several servants have been slain. However that's not the end of it. Each group may not party up with an additional servant of their same class. In other words Assassin may not work with Assassin. Saber must not work with Saber. And Beserker, even if it wanted to, would not be able to wreak havoc in their shared madness. Though the grail encourages the old rules it is now willing to accept this new set of rules for this specific tournament. If only to find an actual winner that will satisfy it." [/color] [color=f7941d]"A Great Holy Grail War does not happen often and they are often the cause of two parties trying to fight for control of the grail for one wish. Also, though this is speculation, it may be possible to grant more powerful wishes with the deaths of more servants than the typically required amount. So that means even if you team up you may indeed wish to kill the other masters, and or the servants. The less there are the stronger the wish I would believe. Though I have not been told if this is a definite possibility as of yet. So you may choose to team up. Or you may chose to go solo. The grail will allow either. However strength in numbers is a powerful thing. If you see yourself fighting a group of other servants without allies...then perhaps you may not have made the right choice. Regardless you are the masters, and your destinies are intertwined with one another. Is your wish so valuable to you all that you would kill each other whole slaughter? Or perhaps you wish to mitigate tragedy and help others at the risk of trusting another? It is not my place to say. I am an old man and I must remain neutral in this war. You must decide for yourselves your place in the world."[/color] Walter exposited to the group at hand. Leon, and Togami remained silent thinking over what was said however Leon was more focused with his eyes on the door. This whole new dynamic was certainly going to change things but he'd need to think it over with Saber later. Perhaps an alliance may be formed with some of the people here....but were they trust worthy enough? He certainly couldn't pick up their numbers though at the very least Togami seemed to wear his heart on his sleeve. It was Togami who spoke up first, [color=0072bc]"You have given us much to think about indeed Father Walter."[/color] Togami said breaking his silence for a brief moment however he did not elaborate much further. Len chuckled [color=00aeef]"What's there to think about? Just because there's more masters doesn't mean this war will end any slower. It just means that there will be more death regardless of what happens next."[/color] commented Len with a sly grin. [color=00aeef]"If this really was as big a revelation as everyone suspects I presume that everyone here will now try to turtle up? What's the point? people could back stab you if you do such a thing. Trust is hard won in a war."[/color]