[@Doc Doctor] Thanks to Evvie’s quick action she spared Umbard a vast majority of the damage he would have faced. He felt the tug on his calf and a series of sharp pricks as the claws made their effort to dig into him, leaving five sharp pinprick wounds, but they were forced off almost as quickly as they had pierced him, splashing blood out as they hastily retreated, leaving only a flesh wound that looked far more violent than it actually was as blood trickled downward into the abyss after the retreating monster. Evvie fell downward for a couple more second in pursuit, blasting her fire every which way down the canyon to make sure there was no safe place for it within close proximity before she shut her jaws and flapped her wings to regroup and catch her breath. It was then that she noticed Umbard’s wounds as a drop of blood fell past her vision. Rather than pursue the enemy further, she flapped back up and grabbed onto him from behind by wrapping tiny arms around him compared to his muscular chest. However, she managed a firm enough grip to allow her to carry him upwards. Getting him to solid ground would be the first order of business to allow him a chance to heal. Within a second or two they would clear the opening and she would toss him onto the ground ten feet or so away from the edge before landing herself, should she not be stopped. After doing so she would look around for the intruder. Meanwhile, Umbard would be letting out a series of curses of which Evvie was too innocent to know.