Cs Name: Sun Sasha Wukong Gender: Female Age: 18 Species: Simius Appearance: [img]http://dl.3dmgame.com/uploads/allimg/160219/282_160219195015_2.jpg[/img] Personality: she is an optimistic care free fun loving free spirit who always has a smile on her face She is an highly intelligent and skilled if not unconventional strategist who tend to use whiled and unusual strategies Helen has a strong sense of moral justice, a trait she obtained from stories of heros adventurers that her farther told her she aspires to be just like them although she is not a serious person at all in fact she is rather childish she enjoys battle so much she treats it more like a game because of this she can be quite reckless Bio: Helen was raised by her farther Mark she was always hyper active never sitting sill for even a moment she would even walk and talk in her sleep She was trained in the ways of strategy and battle by her farther who grew concerned when he saw she treated it like a game he tried to get her to take it more seriously but nothing he tried ever got though to her by the time she was 13 she had become a skilled strategist and warrior and by the time she was 14 she was already able to defeat her father in their sparing matches because of this she began traveling to the world to find stronger people to battle in these fights she stooped holding back and began testing the limits of her powers because of this she began to grow in power at an alarming rate seeing how fast she was progressing her father stopped worrying about the fact she treated battle as a game because he realized that was the reason she seeks out more challenging battles and the reason she was developing as a worrier so quickly by the time she was 16 he realized their was nothing more he could teach she had surpassed him in both skill power because of this her farther told her she should travel the world and find others strong enough to help her to improve her skills Power: Mystical Martial Arts Other: has a bo staff that can change its size and shape