The man's grip was firm but not aggressive. Will had half expected the man to test his strength but other than the firm grasp, the man seemed content. That was interesting. The accent was also another interesting thing to note. The man was not from here nor native Britain, though his English was impeccable. One of the many English colonies? At the man's question, the brief thought of why the man should know crossed Will's mind but he dismissed it. No doubt Vivienne would tell him anyway and besides, it wasn't really a secret. Nor did he care to make it one. Though, it was very interesting again that Vivienne was the captain of this whole crew. For that he had a bit of admiration for her. It must be hard trying to get pirates to listen to you in general, but as a woman? And then have them follow your leadership? He was impressed. He looked at the quartermaster. "We had an arrangement," he said. "A cousin of a dear friend was kidnapped last night. She has agreed to help me rescue the girl - assuming she's alive." His gaze looked out briefly over the ocean. His jaw tightened slightly. Despite the fact they had known each other for some time, Will didn't really think of Abigail and himself as friends. They were acquaintances with a mutual friend. Still, he would go around the world if need be to rescue her. Even if she was dead by time he got there or worse... Even though he would rescue a damsel in distress, the real reason - if he was honest with himself - that he was pushing so hard to rescue her was for Elizabeth. In a way, it would be his last gift to her. He looked back at John. "Basically, that's about sums it up. I helped her, she helps me. Mutual agreement." [center] ~ ~ ~ [/center] It was not just a scratch and it hadn't been attended to. Jim knew better than to take the bottle from the captain. He wasn't that brave - or stupid. So letting her drink, he quickly cleansed her wound, bringing some water and another bottle of rum. His hands shook just slightly as he touched her thigh. He hoped she didn't notice as he forced them to remain still. The proximity of her body to him and the fact he was touching her sent fire through his blood. However, he remained calm, not making eye contact for fear he would give something away, forcing his hands to remain still, knowing that his cheeks were a bit red. Still, he managed to clean up her wound. Binding it he rose and quickly turned. "Will you be needin' anythin' else Cap'n?" He inquired. "Somethin' to eat perhaps?"