[quote=Golem] Here's an app for a religion.Religion name: Temple of AvianChief Deity: Avian, the two faced god-bird.Religion Description: The temple worships the god-bird Avian, the all-encompasing deity from which all birds stem. Birds are revered as sacred beings and are the messangers of Avians will. Each bird has a patron deity which is the greatest of its kind. A few examples are Ugla the Owl, god of death; Hoek the Hawk, god of war; and Kroaka the crow, god of beggars and thieves. Temples are often built without roofs and have statues devoted to the different deities positioned around a central tower, on which a great nest is located. The clerics of Avian are dressed in robes adorned with feathers and wear masks looking like the faces of birds. Worship consists of prayer, private or led by a cleric, and material offerings to the statues in the temple. Those of the Avian faith bury their dead by leaving them to the birds on top of the great towers in their temples (like the ziggurats of old mesopotamia). It is strictly forbidden to kill and/or eat birds to those of the faith. [/quote] [img=http://i.imgur.com/JhOe9KZ.jpg] ...It's a pretty cool religion, honestly.