[color=ed1c24][center][h1]Aimée Bellerose[/h1][/center][/color] On the next morning, Silas called everyone to a meeting. Aimée couldn't possibly foresee the words he said next. "[color=39b54a]At one time a long time ago I was a slave, if any of you have a problem taking orders from me feel free to walk out now. Also if any of you think you could do a better job leading this company just because of my past feel free to challenge me at any time, I won't back down.[/color]" [color=ed1c24]"Every good story needs to have an interesting detail, am I right? Your past doesn't matter. Although I would love to dance with you, i'll have to decline your offer. I'm just a dancer after all~"[/color] she said with a giggle, putting her tongue out playfully. Truthfully, Aimée was a little bit shocked about that revelation. Not because of the fact that Silas was already a slave, but to the fact that she couldn't imagine someone as Silas lowering his head and obeying someone's commands. But Aimée wasn't that tactless. Apparently, that was something that Silas himself wasn't proud of, and probably wouldn't like if a stranger started to meddle on his dark past. [color=ed1c24]"Since we are talking a little about ourselves, I guess its time for me to formally introduce myself." [/color] [color=ed1c24]"My name is Aimée Bellerose. I'm a daughter of the Belleroses, probably some of you have already heard about them. About my reasons to join the Blood Rose Irregulars? I am a troubadour, a dancer. I live to tell stories, dance and bring smiles to other people."[/color] she said with a flourished bow. [color=ed1c24]"I can fight and defend myself when needed, dance to increase the soldier's morale... All that I ask in return is stories and tales."[/color] she said. [color=ed1c24]"So... what about you all? Please tell me a little about yourselves!"[/color] she said, looking to all of them excitedly.