Kayal did not protest as she snatched the coat from his hand, he understood why she did it, she had no way of knowing if she could trust him or not. To her he could just be another slaver looking to exploit her or harm her in some way, all he could do was try to show he wasn't and that he wanted to help. He smiled at her as she wrapped the coat around her, it was the least he could do to make up for what she was likely put through. "There, much warmer, right? Now lets see what we can do about those feet." He said looking down to her cut up and bloodied feet. He slowly and cautiously inched forward using one hand to keep himself stable and keeping the other raised in the same surrender like position. "May I?" He asked tenderly, gesturing toward her feet as he formed a small ball of restoration energy in his right hand to show he intended to heal her feet before letting it dissipate. The small orb let off a yellow-gold light illuminating a small area around them before it vanished.