Guest NPC. [hider=The Stunning Samuel Raven!][color=darkviolet][b]Name:[/b][/color] Samuel Raven [color=darkviolet][b]Alias:[/b][/color] The Murder [color=darkviolet][b]Race:[/b][/color] Primordial Beast, Begotten, Ugallu family [color=darkviolet][b]Sex:[/b][/color] Male [color=darkviolet][b]Class:[/b][/color] Monster Magician [color=darkviolet][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [list][*]Numerous throwing knives [*]Smoke bombs [*]Miniature flame thrower in sleeve [*]Multiple decks of poker cards [*]Lengths of cloth[/list] [color=darkviolet][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [i]Normal Abilities[/i] [list][*]Born Entertainer - As a former child TV star and nationally renown magician, Sam knows how to entertain a crowd. He's not exactly "cult of personality" levels of charismatic, but he can maneuver socially and knows how to influence people the way he wants. [*]Master of Illusion - Samuel Raven is a master stage magician, meaning he is well verse with sleight of hand, larceny, escapology, misdirection, and all manner of little tricks that impress, astound, and confuse. [*]Skilled Knife Thrower - As long as it's small and balanced, he can throw it with great aim.[/list] [i]Magical Abilities[/i] [list][*]Soul of Horror - Samuel Raven is a Beast, one of the Begotten, and as such does not have a normal "soul." His soul is instead called a "Horror" and takes the form of a monster. In the case of Sam, it is a horrific Murder of crows, which combine into a grotesque avian amalgamation. The Horror is a creature made of pure nightmare, and exists to induce and feed upon fear. As a beast, Samuel cannot dream, eats fear, can channel aspects of his soul into physical abilities (called atavisms), and can manifest literal nightmares in his prey with a word and either eye contact or a touch. His unique state also means he can see things people normally cannot, such as other supernatural entities that usually remain hidden. [*]Atavism: Infestation - By expending some of the fear he has devoured recently, Samuel can temporarily take on the physical form of his horror, breaking his physical body apart into dozens of crows. Best used to swarm an opponent or avoid an attack, though it only lasts a few seconds as the stress of physically morphing takes a large toll on his energy. [*]Atavism: Needs Must - Samuel is a bird of prey, representing the primal fear of exposure and being hunted. As such, his keen senses are able to detect viable prey nearby, being able to see sins on those he can punish to feast on their fear. Additionally, by expending fear he has devoured, he can mark any living thing in his sight. Those "marked" can never flee far enough to escape the bird of prey, as Samuel Raven can always know their exact location anywhere on the planet. [*]Atavism: Storm-Lashed - The Ugallu family of beasts are masters of the sky, predators that never tire and are never deterred from stalking their prey. As such, Samuel is completely unaffected by bad weather, no matter how strong the winds, how hard the rain, how cold the blizzard, he's able to walk right through it as though it were a normal Summer day. This also includes lightning and magically created weather. [*]Nightmare: You Deserve This - Sam manifests feelings of extreme guilt in his prey. A strong will is able to resist. [*]Nightmare: Birds Everywhere! - From the perspective of the prey, the skies darken with swarms of birds, and is attacked on all sides by biting beaks and slashing talons. The injuries are only in the mind, but the pain is real. By expending his hunger, the effects of the nightmare become real, leaving actual injuries. A strong will is able to resist. [*]Nightmare: You Are Better Than Them - Sam manifests within the prey feelings of intense superiority, egotism, and confrontation. They are no longer able to work well with others, seeing everyone else as inherently inferior. A strong will is able to resist.[/list] [color=darkviolet][b]Fighting Style:[/b][/color] If he can help it, Sam won't fight at all. If he can help it, his prey will never have seen him as a threat to begin with. He prefers to rely on his skills with misdirection, and his abilities as one of the Begotten, to terrorize prey without ever being seen, or without them realizing he is the source. If a physical confrontation is unavoidable, then Sam will do his best to avoid getting hit, as he's much better at dodging than tanking or dishing out harm. He will make use of the environment to determine which nightmares and atavisms are best for the situation, while emphasizing misdirection with his natural talents as a magician. Of course, he'll pepper his prey with well placed knives in the process. When it comes to killing, Sam prefers to be discriminating, but he's no stranger to cold-blooded murder. [color=darkviolet][b]Personality:[/b][/color] There are two sides to Samuel Raven, what he shows to the public, and what only those closest to him know. As far as anybody else should know, Samuel Raven is a successful magician that enjoys his success, is intelligent, a demanding diva, born showman, logical, rational, completely dismissing of the supernatural in all ways, and a bit of an egotistical jackass. He's wealthy and knows it, well versed in various sciences, as atheist as you can get, important, but also highly charitable, known for giving away large quantities of cash for little to no reason. The real Samuel Raven is so much more. Samuel is as supernatural as you can get, having a literal manifestation of human nightmares as his soul. Having to survive on the fear of others has left Sam with a measure of self-loathing, and being responsible for his parents' deaths (no matter how much he resented them) is an event that has left its mark. If he must feed on the fear of others, then he shall do his best to ensure he only does so by punishing people that deserve it. Though he hates himself, and is very slow to trust others, those that do earn his trust are not only allowed to know the "real" him, but he will do absolutely anything for their benefit. To keep them safe, to give them an edge, to protect them from themselves, there is no lengths he will not go. For example, to prevent one of his closest friends from making a lethal mistake, Sam killed that friend's father. [color=darkviolet][b]Bio:[/b][/color] N/A [color=darkviolet][b]Wish:[/b][/color] Samuel wants to feel like a normal human. If possible, he will expunge the horror from his soul in exchange for that of a normal person. [color=darkviolet][b]Echo:[/b][/color] N/A [color=darkviolet][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [hider=Human Form][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Horror][img][/img][/hider] [color=darkviolet][b]Frenzy:[/b][/color] N/A [color=darkviolet][b]Inventory:[/b][/color] None[/hider]