The little angel's excitement to get started on farm work again makes Kuro smile, the charge off the younger male contagious. Kuro whips them up a quick breakfast, watching the other eat with a soft smile on his face before following him out into the yard. He takes to doing the watering while Aoba deals with the animals. He lends a hand when it comes to the cows, the occasional stray making for the gap between the barn and the pasture fence. Once they are all out, he goes back to watering carefully, making sure not to spay the leaves too much, aiming for the ground when he can to avoid the sun burning the plants through the water droplets. Despite being menial labor, Kuro couldn't be happier. He looks over to see the angel every so often and feels content with the world the way it is, peace passing gently through his chest. He still feels that something is missing, something inside, but as it is, for now, he doesn't want to question it. He just wants to enjoy his time with Aoba before Dani and the others come crashing in to ruin their alone time. Once he's done with the watering, he joins Aoba with feeding the pigs, guiding him about to show him where things had been moved in his absence. He enjoys his quite time and uses open moment to get close to the angel, seeking out a little contact here and there to satisfy and tame his more primal urges. When the subject of Kyou comes up he glances towards the town. “He's probably in town getting something to eat.” he muses, playing off the soul corrupting as nothing of great importance. ~*~ Fenrir overhears someone saying something about checking out some activity, but it doesn't register until he spots the angel on the horizon heading right for Aoba's farm. Light panic passes through him and he finds a way to slip away, following after the angel at a decent pace. He knows he can't overtake the soldier, his wings out of practice, but he also knows he needs to catch up as quickly as possible to avoid a rough confrontation. ~*~ A new scent trickles to Kuro's nose on the wind and he feels his hair stand on end. Actually sneezing, he looks off towards the town and scowls as he sees a figure racing pel-mel down the road. The little head wings flat to his head and vest flapping in the wind, Kyou rushes up to the farm, vanishing into the barn before anyone can say anything to him, and Kuro honestly doesn't blame him. Ruffled, Kuro moves out towards the open area in front of the barn and his flames jump to attention, snaking around his body like an agitated serpent. The feeling of an arch angel approaching is enough to set his teeth on edge, but he's careful to keep as calm as he can, not wanting to start a fight if he doesn't have to.