[hider=Delilah Duclerc][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5hZjBlYWIuUkdWc2FXeGhhQ0JEYUhKcGMzUnBibVVnUkhWamJHVnlZdywsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/rouge-script.regular.png[/img] [color=purple][i]Lila | Princess | Kitten[/i][/color][hr][hr][img]https://static.pulse.ng/img/incoming/origs3654761/5065561375-w644-h429/sarah-hyland-seventeen-magazine-may-2015-4.jpg[/img] "[color=purple]I know, I know: I’m fabulous. C’est la vie.[/color]"[hr][hr] [/center][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmE2MTdjZi5SbTl5SUZSb1pTQlNaV052Y21RLC4w/rouge-script.regular.png[/img][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/70c6f0b16465c44ea20ce6e3efc0fa4c/tumblr_navu7nBYLj1qc3ni5o1_r1_500.gif[/img][/center] [color=purple]║ Name ║[/color] [indent]Delilah Christine Duclerc[/indent] [color=purple]║ Birthday & Age ║[/color] [indent]May 20 | Sixteen[/indent] [color=purple]║ Gender & Sexual Orientation ║[/color] [indent]Straight Female[/indent] [color=purple]║ Other Labels ║[/color] [indent]Drama Queen | Mayor’s Daughter | Snob | Preppy | Overachiever | Girly-Girl[/indent] [color=purple]║ Occupation ║[/color] [indent]Though unemployed, Delilah does volunteer work at a children’s shelter whenever she has some free time from all her responsibilities.[/indent] [color=purple]║ Appearance ║[/color] [indent]The most striking feature in Delilah’s diamond-shaped face are the big, almond-shaped green eyes under perfectly plucked and arched eyebrows: eyes that are always bright and with an intense stare. A small and cute button nose marks the center of her face, and under them a pair of rosy pink lips that are not full yet not thin either. Behind her lips hides a bright, pearly-white smile with perfect teeth that’s capable of warming up even the coldest of hearts. She sports a mane of long, shiny hair that has been dark brown, chocolate brown (her natural color), and is now currently dyed brown and light blonde with the ombre trend, which is styled depending on her mood, type of outfit and the weather. Makeup wise, she never leaves her home without some lipstick, mascara, eyeliner and a touch of blush, but depending the occasion she can up her game and go from natural, to sultry, to upright glamazon. She keeps her skin clear with a strict beauty routine, and the soft tan in her usually light skin is due to the amount of time she spends outdoors by the pool, in the hot tub or during her travels around the world. Delilah’s body type falls in the category of lithe and petite, and though she’s not curvy like other women she compensates by having a pair of small, perky breasts and a round, perky ass. Standing at 5’3”, Lila isn’t the tallest girl of the bunch, and she compensates this by wearing all sorts of cute, high-heeled shoes. Of course, she doesn’t limit herself to just heels and can wear other types of shoes, but she has a preference for open footwear (peep-toes, sandals, wedges, etc.). Preppy and girly are the perfect ways to describe her personal style, with a closet that consists of skirts, dresses, shorts and the typical basics like jeans, sweaters and blouses. She wears all types of accessories, and owns a vast array of them. She is also obsessed with handbags, which she collects and never leaves home without. Only on rare occasions will you see Delilah wearing T-shirts and sweatpants (she only wears them when she’s at home, sick or in gym class). She sports no tattoos and your average earlobe piercings.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/66285d6e556ef93d0129b05037de5a9e/tumblr_nchg7vYDbF1qbyb95o1_500.gif[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rlNpWYQunY]"Got a figure like a pinup, Got a figure like a doll. Don’t care if you think I’m dumb, I don’t care at all. Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored. I’m the girl you’d die for."[/url][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmE2MTdjZi5RWFFnUm1seWMzUWdSMnhoYm1ObC4wAA,,/rouge-script.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=purple]║ Personality ║[/color] [indent][color=purple]The Positive:[/color] [list] [*] Affectionate [*] Confident [*] Compassionate [/list][/indent] [indent][color=purple]The Negative:[/color] [list] [*] Manipulative [*] Selfish [*] Dramatic [/list][/indent] [indent][color=purple]What You See:[/color] At first glance, the best way to describe Delilah Duclerc would be [i]captivating[/i]. Full of class, confidence and poise, Delilah has the ability to get a room’s attention on her even when her height isn’t her strong point. Upon conversation, she is very charming, witty, sassy, capable to engage in conversations of any kind and with exceptional manners, learned all the way back when she was a child. However, when the name Delilah Duclerc comes into a conversation with peers who went to school with her or met her outside any formal event, you can immediately see them start to roll her eyes. A spoiled, self-centered drama queen will be the first words to come out of their mouth when referring to her. Lila has a bad habit of thinking that she is above everyone else, and that the world revolves around her snobbish self. She is always concerned about keeping up appearances and making sure that she’s giving off what she deems the “right” impression: the unattainable mayor’s daughter. Selfish to the core, Delilah will stop at nothing to get what she wants, to the point where she can be inconsiderate to others and will make scenes if she doesn’t get her way. She is also very quick to judge people over their physical appearance (way they dress, how they have their hair, etc., but no body-shaming), and once she deems you unworthy she won’t be as interested in you. To add to everything else, she is a true drama queen: the type to declare the world is ending over the most mundane of things like breaking a nail, misplacing an item and thinking it lost, etc. The one thing that acts against her is that, often, these negative traits are the ones that are the ones most visible to the public eye. What most don’t know is that this persona is nothing but a front.[/indent] [indent][color=purple]What I Know:[/color] On the other hand, those who get the privilege of getting to know Delilah on a personal level are surprised to discover that she isn’t all princess complex and overreactions. Lila is actually a very sweet and affectionate girl, one who will do anything to make her loved ones feel loved and acknowledged: the type to bring you some soup if you’re sick, buy you chocolates when you’ve had a bad day or send you flowers as congratulations for an achievement. She is fiercely loyal, easy-going, fun, upbeat, generous (she’s the one in charge of organizing the “Closet Purge” event in her community every winter, which consists of her neighbors donating all of their “old”, barely worn or unused clothing and shoe-wear so she can send them to impoverished sectors or countries) and persistent (which can be a good or bad thing depending the circumstances). Her selfishness is pushed aside when you become close to her, for she will often put her needs to the side to aid those she cares for when they’re in need. Lila is also very driven, and the kind of girl who will never back out of chasing her dreams and making them a reality.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]https://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/ede8865f-a2aa-42d6-848d-7deaa78e4e3f/0b3b012e-118d-48e5-8316-cecc893b05e1.gif[/img][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/14/bd/13/14bd13817a2b732aa014744d7f2ffb98.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmE2MTdjZi5UMlptSUZSb1pTQlNaV052Y21RLC4w/rouge-script.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=purple]║ My Dreams ║[/color] [indent]Delilah wants to attend an Ivy League college to study something related to Languages or International Relations, traveling the world along the way.[/indent] [color=purple]║ Fears ║[/color] [indent][list] [*]Losing her family [*]Losing her wealth [*]Getting hurt/harmed in any permanent way [*]Her reputation being ruined in any way [*]Being unloved, replaced and forgotten [*]Public Humiliation[/list][/indent] [color=purple]║ Likes ║[/color] [indent][list] [*]Being the center of attention [*]Learning new languages [*]Romantic Comedies [*]Shopping [*]Fine dining [*]Traveling [*]Flowers (especially orchids) [*]The beach [*]Not wearing pants [*]Selfies[/list][/indent] [color=purple]║ Dislikes ║[/color] [indent][list] [*]Soda [*]People who immediately assume/treat her like she’s dumb [*]Thunderstorms [*]When people tell her “no” [*]When people don’t do what she says [*]Bad photos of herself [*]Pressing the wrong piano key and ruining a song [*]The smell of cigarette smoke [*]Anything smelly at all [*]Being ignored[/list][/indent] [color=purple]║ Brief History ║[/color] [indent]Born to Christopher and Marietta Duclerc on the beautiful spring day that was May 20th, Delilah Christine is the only daughter of the couple. The Duclercs had married in their late 20’s after finishing their respective doctoral degrees, and decided it was time for a child on their early thirties. Unfortunately for Marietta, she encountered fertility problems due to her age, but just as they began considering the possibility of in vitro fertilization she fell pregnant. They were thrilled to say the least, and Christopher even more so when he found out he would be having a daughter. As their little miracle being born to a successful couple who were stable financially and emotionally, Delilah was spoiled in more than one way. She grew up raised by a nanny until she was old enough to attend school in a big and beautiful four bedroom, three and a half bathroom townhouse complete with an infinity pool and hot tub, which was located in the most affluent area of Westworth. Once in school, young Lila was a social butterfly excelled in her classes, and quickly showed an aptitude for languages and public speaking, which her parents encouraged. Besides this, her they enrolled her in ballet and piano lessons to have her occupied, which lasted up until she entered middle school. Ever since she was a girl, Delilah Duclerc’s father aspired to be the mayor of their hometown. He always thought that his preparation in Law and Economy, along with his wife’s preparation in similar fields, would be the key to assure that Westworth continued to be the prestigious town it had always been. For years, Delilah had watched as her father began to plant the seeds in resident’s heads, making his plans, building political connections… Up until he finally ran for mayor in 2012 and won, when Delilah was in seventh grade. Since then, Delilah’s popularity increased, and everybody knew her as ‘The Mayor’s Daughter’. She would now constantly be under everyone’s scrutiny, so she continued to be on her best behavior. Her father is currently running to be re-elected this year.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/22e08efbdee8264b3bf5958dd9aaae8e/tumblr_n2wbygcVXb1qf60syo2_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmE2MTdjZi5RV05oWkdWdGFXTnouMAAAAA,,/rouge-script.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=purple]║ Extra Curricular Activities & Sports ║[/color] [indent][list][*]Cheerleader [*]Dance Commitee [*]President of the International Languages Association (ILA) [*]Organizer of Westworth’s annual “Closet Purge”[/list][/indent] [color=purple]║ Reputation ║[/color] [indent]Westworth High’s drama queen, who can get on your nerves sometimes but in the end she really is a total sweetheart. You either love her or hate her.[/indent] [color=purple]║ Best subjects, Worst subjects ║[/color] [indent]Though she keeps top marks in all classes, Delilah absolutely excels in any class that has to do with languages (French is her favorite) and public speaking. On the other hand, her worst subject by far and without a doubt is gym class. Lila despises sweating and sports, so gym is like torture to her. Another class she’s not very strong in is History, because she doesn’t like how boring it is.[/indent] [color=purple]║ Extra information ║[/color] [indent][list][*]Puckers up her lips in a pout when she doesn’t get her way. [*]Has a tendency to babytalk when trying to convince people of getting her something. [*]Constantly plays with her hair. [*]Taps her foot when impatient. [*]Is constantly rolling her eyes and scoffing. [*]Plays the piano to cope with feelings like sadness, anger, etc.[/list][/indent][/hider]