[center][color=a187be]Luna D. Dharc[/color][/center] Were it not for the looks on Cici's pokemon, Luna wouldn't have wondered if anything was wrong. [color=a187be]"Are you ok? You seem a little off..."[/color] She asked looking at each one of Cici's pokemon, she had quite the number of pokemon as far as Luna could see. Eclipse was already happily bounding towards them wanting to play. [color=a187be]"Eclipse is still a baby, so he has more energy than normal... Even for a Deino..."[/color] She said giggling. [hider=Luna]TP: +1+1(10) Pokemon: Deino(Eclipse) Level 6(not currently caught) Flabebe(Rose) Level 1 Inventory: N/A Rank: Beginner Organization: N/A[/hider]