[@Ogobrogo] Pretty sure this is going to be my finished product. If i have time before you review it I may make minor tweaks. [hider=Seruh Vora] [center] [img]http://img1.mmo.mmo4arab.com/news/2010/07/09/ffxiv_miqote/ffxiv_miqote_s23.jpg[/img] [h2][sub][color=660066]"A loud cat doesn’t catch mice."[/color][/sub][/h2][/center] [color=660066][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] Seruh (Like Sarah) Vora [color=660066][b][u]Title:[/u][/b][/color] The Shadow [color=660066][b][u]Race:[/u][/b][/color] Miqo'te [color=660066][b][u]Job:[/u][/b][/color] Ninja [color=660066][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 21 [color=660066][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] Female [color=660066][b][u]Warrior of Light:[/u][/b][/color] Yaes [hr] [h2][sub][color=660066][b][u]Appearance Information[/u][/b][/color][/sub][/h2] [color=660066][u][b]Physical Features:[/b][/u][/color] Seruh stands at 5’2” and weighs 118 lbs. SHe has brown hair and fur, with white tufts in her ears. She tends to walk rather pompously while in town and not under cover of shadow, with her chin up, and her face angled slightly upward. She has a slight hourglass form, fair, smooth skin, mostly unmarred save a few scars from the occasional combat injury, one located on her ankle, another on her shoulder, and the last located on the back of her thigh. Her hair is usually down, sometimes in a ponytail or bun while she is in combat; while down, it reaches to just below her shoulders. Her tail is brown with grayish-white spots on it. [color=660066][u][b]Clothing/Armor/Weapons:[/b][/u][/color] During the day, Seruh wears a Brown coat-like top embellished with studs of gemstones and gold buttons, with a tiny bit of her black, skin tight battlegear showing. She also dons a pair of tight, black pants that reach about an inch and a half below her knees. Around her neck is a pendant that belonged to her Grandmother, the shape of it appears to mimic the Great Crystal. When she goes outside during the day, she also puts on a hooded blue cape to help keep her fair skin looking as light as possible and protect her eyes, trained to do better in darker places, from being damaged from the harsh light. When prowling the shadows at night or anytime she expects combat, Seruh wears a set of black, skin-tight battlegear designed for agility and silent movement. The “armor” is lined with black steel studs at regular intervals to help protect her from sustaining injuries. In addition to the battlegear she wears under her normal attire, she also wears a mask over her head that covers all of it but her eyes, with a hole in the back for her ponytail/bun. As for Seruh’s weapons, she carries a holster with 40 shuriken in it, a small blade at her waist, meant only for dire situations, and 4 smoke balls for an emergency escape method. [hr] [h2][sub][color=660066][b][u]Psychological Information[/u][/b][/color][/sub][/h2] [color=660066][u][b]Personality Traits:[/b][/u][/color] Untrustworthy | Self-Centered | Outgoing | Patient | Calm [color=660066][u][b]Likes:[/b][/u][/color] Mid-day Naps | Gil | Being treated like she’s special | The Moon/Stars | Cold Beer [color=660066][u][b]Dislikes:[/b][/u][/color] The Sun | Other stuck-up people | Losing [hr] [h2][sub][color=660066][b][u]Personal History[/u][/b][/color][/sub][/h2] [color=660066][u][b]Hometown:[/b][/u][/color] Thorne City|Thorne [color=660066][u][b]Current Residence:[/b][/u][/color] Kimura City|Kimura [color=660066][u][b]Occupation:[/b][/u][/color] Bartender at “The Mythril Chalice Inn” and Ninja in a local Ninja Clan. [color=660066][u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u][/color] Seruh grew up on the streets of Thorne City with her father. They lived in a small broken down, abandoned house in the slums. She always made do with the little they had, and thought nothing of the hardships they went through. Her mother had died months after giving birth to her, by means of disease. When she was small, her father would tell her stories of the heroes who drove away the Mage-King and how the Mage-King flooded the land, creating the world they lived in now. When she got a bit older she would daydream about one day being a hero, somebody who protects others. She dreamed not only of heroism, but of greatness. Later in life it would be that same hunger for greatness the would lead her to leave Thorne to make a better life for herself. When she was about 14, her father told her he needed to leave the city for a while, that he’d be back as soon as it was safe. Her father had never been known as the most honest person in Thorne City, and probably was in trouble for some sort of crime, whether or not he was guilty of it. Seruh, seeking adventure, decided she too would leave town, and so, at the young age of 14, Seruh Vora left Thorne on the first airship, eastbound to Kimura. Upon arrival in Kimura, Seruh found that the nation was steeped in a type of civil war, where Samurai and Ninjas fought each other for control of the nation. Seeing an opportunity to aquire the greatness she had desired as a young girl, she entered training with a ninja clan based directly in Kimura city, out of a secret passage in an inn known as “The Mythril Chalice”. They set her up with a job bartending during the day while at night she trained. Fast-forward several years, Seruh has become one of the top ranking Ninja in her clan, and she has become affluent enough to own a home on the edge of the aristocratic end of town, decently close to the Mythril Chalice. At this point, her success has gotten to her head, she completely lost sight of her goal to become a hero. Instead, she has become a tool of war. Present day, she was sent to Thorne during the festival to visit a sister clan located in Thorne city, using the festival as an excuse to leave so suddenly. [color=660066][u][b]Other:[/b][/u][/color] Has a strange liking for chocolate Loves liquor, but can’t hold it well. [/hider]