[b]Lilly[/b] Lilly shot up with shock as she felt the shock as she felt someone jab her sides. She turned around to see a a ferret crouched down behind her. Her shocked expression turned to a smile. "You scared me but that was the whole point, wasn't it? My name is Lilly, what's your name?" She gave another smile to him and held out her hand for him to shake. She wasn't angry in the slightest that he had scared her. It was all for fun. There was no point in angry about it. [b]Splinter[/b] Splinter looked to the other mouse as she sat down next to him. He stared at her for some time before eventually looking into the pond and staring at his own reflection. "Splinter, my name is Splinter. I just prefer to be on my own, it's better that way." He looked to her once more before turning back to the pond with a soft sigh. In his opinion, it was better that way, it was less chance of him failing. [b]Coal[/b] Coal's ears twitched softly as he picked up movement headed towards him and with his sense of smell he could tell it was a mole. The voice was feminine so he assumed it was a girl and from the voice, young too. "I'm as good as I'll ever be. I can't see, completely blind so I bump into things sometimes. My name is Coal, what's your name?" He gave a few sniffs towards her before tilting his head as he waited for her to answer. His ears twitching as he did. He could still smell her so she hadn't left, at least not yet. [@DragonKingUk]