Kuro is trying to calculate just how much damage he'll have to do to disable the arch angel when suddenly he hears Aoba's voice. He pauses, torn. He wants to look back at his Little Mouse, to assure him that he'll only hurt the clean thing a little bit, but at the same time he knows taking his eyes off his opponent could spell trouble if not death for him. The choice is taken away from him as suddenly Aoba is sailing over head head and shockingly, lands on the shocked angel. What surprises Kuro most, beyond his mousy partner flying into battle, is the halo grab that knocks the soldier to the ground. [i]'Well, that's good to know'[/i] he muses, watching him go down easy enough. He's glad to see the arch angel knocked out and even manages a little smile at Aoba before the little victory goes horribly wrong. The smell hits him first and rips a snarl from his chest. He is furious, stalking forward, ready to rip someone a new one. Whether Aoba or the prone figure on the ground is yet to be decided. He pauses a few steps away, looking down at Aoba with sharp eyes, clearly angry. The pathetic pleading of his case turns Kuro's wrath from him to the slowly rousing angel. Holding out a hand he fires energy from his hands, the curved shape stapling the angel to the ground by his neck. He fires off a few more, like the leash he'd used on Dani, and staples his arms and wings to the ground as well. He feels rather satisfied as he miss aims with the wing ones, clipping them hard enough to knock off a few feathers and stain the ones around them crimson. The clip isn't enough to endanger his life, but the pain is enough to wake the guy and have him whine at the pain. Kuro can feel the second energy approaching but before it can arrive he kicks the holy sword away from the first, planting his scythe hard in the ground by the first one's head and leaving it there as a warning as he moves to face the oncoming threat. He wants to be helping Aoba, to do [i]something[/i] about the blood loss, but with another angel closing in, he doesn't have time. Fenrir quickly closes the distance, being careful to land some ways back from the group so he doesn't insight the demon to attack without being able to talk. He takes in the sight of Leo pinned to the ground, the scythe looming threateningly across his body, Aoba trying to treat the semi-self inflicted wound, and now the very on fire Kuro eyeing him as if he's a wild dog he's ready to put down. Having watches the demon for some time now, he knows – at least he thinks he does – how to handle him. His stomach is in knots, his instinct to put the demon down strong, but at the same time, the sight of Aoba bleeding makes his heart twinge and he pushes aside his instincts. Looking to the pinned angel again he snaps out, “Leo!” His brows furrow even though he knows the angel can't turn to look at him. “You know better than to interfere in the lives of fallen angels!” The angel stills completely. It seems being snapped at has deflated him a bit. His gaze then turns to Kuro and they share a moment. Kuro faintly recognizes the angel, though more through the sound of his voice than his actual features. Fenrir slowly takes off his medical bag, making Kuro growl. He stays put however and the medical angel takes this as a good sign. Turning the bag to show it to Kuro he says with a mix of calm and forcefulness, “Let me clean up this mess we've made and we will leave you be.” Kuro is both confused and relieved to see this angel here, but at the sight of the medical bag he calms slightly, sparing half a glance towards Aoba. He knows that Aoba said he could treat himself, but some proper treatment with proper supplies would be better for him. He hesitates for a moment before reaching his hand behind him. The pins holding down “Leo's” arms and wings vanish while the one around his neck becomes a hoop. His hand whips forward, Leo yelping as he's pulled by his throat through the air. Kuro is careful to not give him enough height so when he snaps the collar with a pop he's unable to catch himself with his wings and instead tumbles across the gravel road past the waiting medical angel. Fenrir doesn't look as Leo is whipped past him and instead waits until he hears the angel regaining his feet before calling over his shoulder, “You head back to the others Leo. Now.” He can't see it but he's quite sure the angel looks like he wants to object. When he doesn't hear wings right away he lifts his heel, sliding it slightly to the side before stomping it down hard and cracking the earth much like Issho did to warn Kuro off the day before. Leo back away with a bow and is off moments later. Fenrir calls that he will bring back the angel's sword so he doesn't spend time worrying about it. The call actually makes Kuro laugh, still wreathed him flame despite the good will Fenrir is trying to build. “I was actually thinking of mounting it over the barn door as a warning.” he says with an evil smile. He shifts to the side between Aoba and the arch angel, still not completely convinced this guy is to be trusted. The smell of Aoba's blood isn't helping his anger and he flexes threateningly, eyes playing sharp on the angel. Once more pulling from his well of knowledge from the mirror, Fenrir re-hangs his bag at his side and moves forward with confidence towards Kuro and the wounded angel. He watches Kuro tense but, trusting what he knows of the man, he moves right past him – giving a bit of room for the agitated flames – and drops to a knee next to Aoba. Gently moving the fallen angel's hands aside he pulls his bag off once more and sets to work. Kuro turns and stays put, his fire still jumping about as he watches like an aggravated cat.