[center][h3][color=0054a6]Jehan de Challon[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] Jehan had turned up to the meeting for two reasons. He had a few questions sure, but mainly he had little else to do before the march, so this could serve as a time killer. Silas had answered his questions the night before with sabotaging most interest he had in the idea. He was not interested in building a company in excess of 200 men, which was by all accounts a low number to begin with. One hundred lances were not unreasonable for a proper company, which would have added up to somewhere between 400 to 700 fighting men at least, but no. Nor did have any interest in the Nobles who would be those that would pay the company no matter which contracts he managed to arrange for the company. He supposed merchants could also pay the company, but why limit the company so? Jehan could not help but to smirk at the whole act of confidence. He understood it of course, for a man like Silas would not stay in charge for long unless he played on such things as being the strongest, or indeed challenge a group to try and challenge him. Not a bad thing necessarily, though a wasted effort in this case Jehan thought. Jehan let Odessa, Sonya and Aimée finish their questions and comments, and Silas to answer them in turn before he cleared his throat. His only surpise was that no one was asking the so very obvious. [color=0054a6]“Well. That is all well and good.”[/color] Jehan began, [color=0054a6]“But I have heard very little of any substance as to organisation and payment.”[/color] Jehan said, pausing and extending a hand to those gathered. [color=0054a6]“I expect none here will fight for free and all expect a share of the contracts pay. Per month, how much can a lance expect?”[/color] he asked, giving Silas the opportunity to answer the first question before moving on. [color=0054a6]“As for lances. How many equipped lances do you wish to form? Afterall, you told me yesterday that you do not wish to build a proper company, not even two hundred men in fact. So, I wonder, how many lances are we looking at and how are you planning to equip them?”[/color]