The hybrid couldn't decide on how General Winchester's decision made her feel. On one hand this meant she could now get up close and personal with the odd stranger and humor her curiosity, but on the other... "Wha- me?" Je'Nai wasn't opposed to assisting albeit she had been caught off guard by this new task so abruptly bestowed unto her. For a moment she could only stare in silence while the gears in her head turned in smooth unison. "Okay" she murmured. Timidly, Je'Nai removed herself from the now-thinning crowd and closer to General Winchester until they stood abreast. She would have gotten closer to the unconscious form on the ground but the little black raven guarding him seemed angry. Je'Nai raised a brow and warily eyed it. "How can I be of assistance, ma'am?" [hr] Damien's words threw off the angel's composure and Ma'ai nearly stumbled when his otherwise usually-graceful movements stuttered in surprise. He paused, scrunched his brows together, and worried at his bottom lip. Ma'ai opened his mouth as if to say something but decided against it and returned to attempting to gather his thoughts into a comprehensible inquiry. Then he began wrapping up with the finishing touches of assembling his uniform and fixed the collar of his jacket. Finally, "What do you mean 'out of nowhere'?" Ma'ai strode for the door and grabbed Damien by the upper arm on his way out the tent.