[b]Ryu Heisui Dew Islet[/b] Ryu watched the girl carefully as she spoke. He wasn't sure what to think of the girl quite yet, but she seemed harmless enough to open up a little bit to her. He walked a few feet backwards towards the water and plopped down on his butt.[b] "It's okay if your not good with people. All that matters is getting the point across. If you manage that, you can communicate almost anybody." He said with his back turned yo the girl. He sat in the akward silence for a little bit and then continued to speak, "Take this as an example. What is your favorite book? Play? Food? Just simple one or two word answers to these questions create a deeper bond between the two or more people communicating," [/b] He chuckled as he took a small breath, [b]"I guess I got a little carried away with my own thoughts. Sorry you had to listen to such nonsense."[/b] Ryu laid back and laid down in the sand. He hasn't let his guard down completely, but he decided that nothing eventfull will most likely happen until the last member of the team arrives.