[center][img]http://www.juegosderoles.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/wodheader.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]At Santa Monica[/u][/b] Police swarm into the Santa Monica Pier for an investigation as Beach Bums look on. On the street light hangs a desecrated body, it has been torn to shreds in some horrific manner that could not have been done by any normal human. The police try to determine a cause of death, and the only conclusion they can come to is an animal attack, but what kind of animal would hang up a man like this after such a grizzly murder? The police are dumbfounded as they conclude their investigation and disperse. Grünfeld Bach sits in the church hideout of the Society of Leopold, leading a prayer to the Catholic God with fellow hunters of the Society. "Please, lord. Grant us the power to destroy the Servants of Satan tonight, and to cut off the head of the snake, the Archfiend Lacroix." They begin this chant as they burn incense, it is a most holy ritual. However, it is interrupted when a member of the society approaches Bach with news. "Sir, we have news of a murder in Santa Monica. It seems to have been done by some foul creature of night. I advise that we send out hunters into the city, immediately. The police can't handle this themselves" Says the hunter. "Alright, send them out at once. We search for this killer, and hunt for his head!" Bach commands his hunters into the night. [b][u]At Venture Tower, Lacroix's Office[/u][/b] As Darby left Lacroix's office, a new figure rides the elevator of Ventrue Tower. He arrives, timely, and steps into Lacroix's office. "Ah there you you are, Mr. Sea. I have a mission for you. As you might know, there seems to be occult activity in the area. They seem to be involving normal humans into their activities. We can't be having mortals knowing about the existence of the supernatural, and I know you are the perfect man for the job, given your reputation and abilities. Now, please solve this problem for me and you'll be handsomely rewarded." Lacroix said. "It shall be done." With these words, the entire room was darkened in a murky shadow, after a few seconds, the shadow faded and the man was gone. "Those Lasombra fascinate me, I wish more of them were on the side of the Camarilla." Said Lacroix. [b][u]Tony Lee with Yukie[/u][/b] Tony Lee and Yukie ride in a cab out of Chinatown. They are escaping from their enemies, the Kuei Jin. Where they're headed, they do not know. They look for any watering hole or hotel they can stop at to make their base for the night.