Good, she didn’t bring it up again. James felt his face return to normal as they went through the checkout line and he grabbed the heavy bags at the end. Once to the car and the things were loaded, he climbed into the driver’s seat and buckled in. As if it was a pure natural thing to do, he reached out and took her hand once more; lacing his fingers in with hers. Something about this, this gentle touch made him feel all fuzzy and warm inside. What was this feeling? And why was it happening… who was he kidding, he knew why. He knew [i]exactly[/i] why. Her question made him nod as he brought her hand up to his lips and placed a small kiss on it as they drove down the road. “Yes, we will make the pizza tonight.” A small sigh left him before he continued. “Freya, I need you to understand something about the position we’re in.” He said softly, it wasn’t the best topic to talk about but he couldn’t leave her in the dark about it either. “It’s not… against the law for us to see each other but… it is severely taboo for someone of your status to be seeing the… well help.” His head rose and fell with a nod as he gave her hand a small squeeze. “If I had my way I would screen it from the rooftop but I do think we should talk to your father if… if you might want to… uh….” His face turned red as he tried to continue to focus on the road. “Make us… official…”