Orazio listened to Father Walter explain to them what the penalties would be for Masters who broke the rules - particularly for Servants of the same Class teaming up. [color=coral]"Sweet, so you DO have ways to make sure people play fair. That's cool, dude!"[/color] The coral-haired airhead of a magus commented. [color=coral]"Yo, Len, Leon! Did ya hear that? You don't have to worry about people breaking the rules and pulling shady stuff, the church guy's got us all covered in that regard!"[/color] The rapper wannabe said with a confident smile. It was then that a realization suddenly hit the young Grimaldi heir, making him gasp in shock... though not for the reasons one would expect. [color=coral]"Woah woah woah, there, hold on just a second, gramps!"[/color] The boy said to the Church moderator, Father Walter. [color=coral]"You can use Command Spells on other people's Servants?! That's... so... COOL!!"[/color] The strange-dressed youth exclaimed excitedly. [color=coral]"Can everyone with Command Seals do that? Oh, oh! Can [i]I[/i] do that?"[/color] He eagerly asked the middle-aged priest.