Without the worry of falling to either the realm of man or that realm of The Lord, it was quite easy to succumb to temptation delve even further into Yoshi Watanabe's bag. While flipping the prayer book it was pretty obvious that the book was pretty well used but not to the point that it was about to fall apart. As for what was underneath the Book of Common Prayer; the answer seemed to just as mundane as before. For the most part it was a series of scroll paper that were stacked together and had red handles at the end of it. Scattered alongside these scrolls quite a few magatamas. For the most part the majority of these magatamas were pretty small and were indigo. And there was a single crucifix that was around hand-size among those as well. With a simple glance it appeared that scavenging through this bag for "something compromising" was a fruitless endeavor. But of course, there was the chance that the infection of Sin from Adam and Eve's misdeeds, still managed to infect Watanabe Yoshi much like the rest of man. Having that in mind it was curious to see that there was something that poked between a few of the scrolls. This thing that poked through, looked like a golden and rather glittery piece of a skirt. Perhaps there would be enough time to allow the wandering mind to decide whether or not it would be worth the risk to pull out. Perhaps it would be better to just let it lay there and be unsure of what it was.