There were a total of eight people in the small cell. Jennifer observed the other five individuals she hadn't met yet. Four of them were keeping to themselves, and Jennifer figured they were at the very least really good friends. That, or they were related. The other guy was a bit older, and judging from his looks alone, he could probably help them come up with a solid plan to break out of there. Deciding it was best to not overthink it, Jennifer walked over to him. "Hey, I'm Jennifer, that over there is Violet and Luna," she pointed to her two companions. For a split second, Jennifer couldn't help but think about Ashton, who was more than likely dead due to his absence. But she couldn't dwell on that now, not when they first had to worry about regaining their freedom. "I was hoping you could help me come up with an escape plan," she continued, her voice barely above a whisper. "Do you know the four of them?" she motioned with a slight head tilt.