Adaira dropped down from the boughs of a tree that overhung the abbey walls, landing neatly on all four paws and somehow perfectly balancing the weapons scattered around her personage such that they didn't come loose with the considerable fall that she'd just endured. "Two mice I don't know," she chuckled with her faint accent upon reclaiming her footing, reaching out to ruffle the seemingly-saddened one's head, "and one is gloom-n'-dooming. Come on, you'll never meet a nice girl like that," she continued, a laugh in her eyes. Turning to the to the other mouse, her quick, laughing eyes glinted at the appearance of a sword-hilt on her belt, and took in not only the boiled leather armor clinging to her that was quite obviously fitted specifically to her, but also the way the mouse held herself, the utter confidence in her own strength that she exuded. [i]A warrior, this one,[/i] Adaira realized, [i]and so young, too.[/i] They both seemed fairly young, in fact. She bowed jokingly and exaggeratedly, giving a broad sweeping motion to the remainder of the abbey with a colossal claymore that she'd unslung from her back a bit faster than the mass of the weapon would suggest. "Well then, since I've not seen you two before, let me welcome you to Redwall Abbey, the place I don't actually live! I'm Adaira Blackwood, the resident Squirrelscout of Mossflower wood. If you're ever in trouble out there," she flung out an unoccupied paw towards the woodlands, "call out for me. I might hear you, who knows. I hope so." She grinned wildly. "Been too long since I've had a good fight!" Okay, so maybe the mice could've been at Redwall for a week or two. Sure, it had been a while since Adaira's last visit. And perhaps it mightn't be a good idea to greet them with a sword roughly as long as they were tall. But eh. As far as she was concerned, more mice meant more fun, so she was as enthusiastic in greeting them as possible. [@The One] [@DragonKingUk]