[@Bishop] Slave are not needed in Handon because most manual labor can be done via magic by everyone-pretty much any domestic role- Marriage doesn't work on cold, contractual logic. It involves social cues, emotional reasoning and abstract purity. Put it simply, if you don't act as if you're marriage it legit, then the courts won't pretend it is either and could get you, and your house, into very deep legal trouble. Remember, while it is not religious, marriage is still meant to be about love and coupling. This idea of being a true commitment is a big part of honor, face and legality. TL/DR: you can assume your vows have a standard, monogamous commitment ideal in it no matter what. No court would actualize a contract that wasn't so. Geriang is the monster society beyond the Grey Valley. They, actually, Do have slaves because of the economic destruction from the eruptions that happened a while back. Their slaves would mostly be their own monsters though.