[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1DWx27B.png[/img] [@Hammerman][@TheWindel] [/center] So it had been Esther freaking out due to stress. She was weighing the amount of help she could provide by calming her down vs the desire to berate her for believing in such silly superstitions when someone she had never heard before spoke directly into her ear. Her Eyes widened in shock, for a moment ghosts were all too real to her, before she was grabbed by the wrist by the speaker. [color=FFC1B3]“Whaa?”[/color] Was all she managed to squeak before the tug turned into a much more forceful yank, dragged her off into the snow storm. The grabber, who she vaguely made out as a woman with mostly shocking pink hair and Heterochromia, then grabbed at her face, trying to tear her mask off. In the few moments of confusion that followed there was a short lived battle between her doctoral training and her military one. In the end she let go got the hilt of her long knife and grabbed the woman’s shoulder. [color=FFC1B3]“Ma'am, I can help you. Just please, let go of my mask.”[/color] She said loudly, with as much authority and calm as she could muster. The poor woman was probably delirious from the cold, Althea thought, it was important for a doctor to remain calm, to be bastion of serenity in a stressful situation. Unfortunately, with how on edge she was from the attack earlier, she didn’t quite manage to keep the fear from her voice as she shouted over the sound of the wind. [color=FFC1B3]“We can lead you down from here, I promise. It’s OK Ma'am. You're going to be OK. Just try to calm down.”[/color] Althea used her grip on the woman's shoulder to pull herself closer, trying to hug the woman to share body heat with her. All this she had being randomly channeling different magic from her glove, reds, blues, yellows and greens flashing indiscriminately in the snow washed air, hoping someone stronger than her would come to her aid and help restrain the poor woman.