[@ImportantNobody] [i]Both Evvie and Umbard were due for a reprieve, and oddly enough, it was at the Magna Pater's claws they'd receive it. The monster, rather than follow Evvie, snaked out of the crevasse and into the world of the living. Its sinewy mass dove silently over Umbard, left paw jutting down to mash his face into the ground as it attempted to propel itself past him. If he were as tough as he was supposed to be, he'd only wind up with scant bruising and perhaps a bloodied lip. The creature's real target was the one who had summoned it. Genies make the dreams of their masters come true. The Magna Pater, despite not being a genie, fulfilled the same purpose. He who calls the Sleeper out from its subterranean tomb will have his dreams come true. Bad dreams, that is. Were the Magna Pater to hurtle Umbard without impediment, it would beeline straight for Suliss. The sorcerer's throat bobbed as the high pitched scream he'd have liked to have uttered hitched in his gullet. Instead of voicing his terror, Suliss's distress was broadcast by way of his robe bottoms darkening, fresh urine leaving his bladder in a hot rush. Just as quickly the monster was upon him. From Umbard's position, he'd thankfully have his view of Suliss's ungodly fate obscured by the Magna Pater's convulsing, vermiform bulk.[/i]