[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rHEESTN.png[/img][/center] Wow, this tall ass overleveled motherfucker. Really not smart to pull a fuss? What did he think he was, a teacher? Sure, the Red King COULD be a total asshole and decide to repeatedly and constantly kill her for her disrespect, but on the other hand? She joined the Scarlet Harleys to have fun fights, not to have someone tell her what to do, and DEFINITELY not to farm Dissolutions like a pasty ass chump. As her glorious leader decided to delegate administrative work of all things to them, Mauve Night simply gave him [i]the[/i] look. A look full of disappointment, irritation, and a tinge of confusion. [b]“Yeah, thanks for answering my question, Streaker,” [/b]she said, rolling her eyes, [b]“Let me just do this real quick, hmm?”[/b] Still looking him in the eye, she pulled out the virtual messaging system and hammered out a message directed towards all members of the Red Guild. [quote]To: Scarley Harleys From: Mauve Night Subject: (No Subject) We’re in bed with Blues now. King’s orders.[/quote] [b]“Amazing ‘skills’, right? I picked that up from Grade 3 computer class. Now seriously, what are [i]you[/i] going to do? It’s like, yo, we’re the Scarlet Harleys, the PvP focused Guild in DGO and yet you still haven’t taken some PvE pleb’s head yet? Hell, all my partymates are just aimlessly wandering about killing Dissolutions of all things for EXP. Not even enemy players! Just Dissolutions! Literally like, holy shit, it’s been more than a week and we still have no idea what’s really going on at the top?! The fuck, dude?”[/b] She waved angrily at nothing, before the golden turd from the Cobalt Losers spoke up next, suddenly meek and servile in the presence of a lvl 9 slowfag. [b]“And I’m Mauve Night,”[/b] the purple-haired avatar turned, still riding off the waves of frustration boiling beneath, [b]“How about you stop trying to find excuses to run away and sneakily get some slow immunity equips and have this rematch now, porcupine head? Don’t tell me I’m the only one that knows how to use instant messaging here.” "Or do you two want to become Jenovah's Witnesses now, knocking on doors IRL and giving people the good news face-to-face with some cheap pamphlet to accompany it?"[/b] [@Lord of Evil][@TheWindel]